OK, so, you were helping me out several months ago, but then real life caught up[ with me. I apologize for vanishing into thin air. I appreciate the help you had given me up to that point. In short, you helped me realize that I had my software improperly installed. To answer your question above: I'm wanting to set up a refining station in orbit of Kerban, Eve, and Jool, and use atmosphere skimmers to collect Karbonite to be delivered to the refinery. The current setup seems to require too much attention, too many passes to be successful. I'm also working on a Karbonite floater, to splash down in the oceans of Lathe, but to get from there back to Jool orbit with a full tank seems nearly impossible. My quest continues. EDIT: Apparently, the out-atmo scoop works much better. I can simply set it in an orbit, and leave it to it's own devices. Since Jool's atmo has a height of 138K, the scoop should be effective anywhere from 138K to 151K, right? As an added bonus, it seems to work even when the swooper isn't the active ship. Damn, you made a good mod.