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Posts posted by mrsolarsail

  1. 8 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

    mm, adding PersistentThrust to all Engines would cause some serious incompatibility issues with KSPIE engines which already has it own thrust persistence. Either we would need to add some filters to the global MM script or KSPIE would have to make use of Persistent Thrust mod, but that would require some considerable rewrite. For now, I would recommend quickly adding some simple filter that will make it skip KSPIE engines, which are easy to identify by the presence of specific part modules

    Ah. I can see that would be problem. By default PersistentThrust is inactive, though it is added to all engine parts. No sense in carrying around that extra code if it isn't necessary. The ModuleManager script could check for known incompatibilities, and not add the mod in those cases. Otherwise, v1.0.9 requires you to add PersistentThrust to engines manually through ModuleManager scripts.

  2. 28 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

    I'm willing to take it over, I have already work on it in the past, applied it to KSPIE engines and turn the solar sail into a separate mod with improved functionality and realism.


    OP here. You are welcome to take it over. I was last working on the 1.0.10 branch, which adds PersistentThrust to all engines by default, and has a GUI toggle switch to activate it for each engine, either in the VAB or controlling a spacecraft. But, you may need to switch out of controlling a spacecraft and back for the toggle to take effect. I hadn't figured that out yet. I recompiled and uploaded a test version here.


  3. On 12/10/2016 at 6:10 AM, _Astra_ said:

    Dear mrsolarsail ,

    Sad to report but it seems there is a bug in the math.


    I put a Solar Sail on a Infernal Robotics Rotatron but the persistent trust direction always points its unrotated position, despite the actual rotatron state.

    The result is an incorrect orbital manoever - orbits decreasing instead of increasing when the sun shines straight into my ship's back.


    I suppose the problem is caused by multiple rotations of sail vector.

    Interesting. I'll look into it. Does that rotate the sail independently of the rest of the spacecraft? The ordinary rotations I do with the KSP controls change thrust direction, as does the Persistent Rotation mod and this one, normally.

  4. On 3/29/2017 at 6:25 PM, OctarineNoise said:

    I've found that the mod is working fine in theory, however it is very sensitive to physics lag. On tiny probes (and a fast computer), I could usually enter thrust warp about 3 out of 4 tries. However, on a large 200+ part ship, it would not work at all, however many times I tried.

    I've made a workaround for the problem (I wouldn't call it a proper fix though), and now my large ship works too almost every time. I've submitted a pull request to mrsolarsail, and hopefully he'll include it in the next release.

    If he appears to be AFK, I could probably release the modified plugin if there is interest in it. I think the license allows it.

    Thanks for the fix. I merged it and put out a new v1.0.8 release that includes it. I tested that this works correctly with SolarSailNavigator as well. Does this address the issues we've seen with high acceleration vehicles dropping out of timewarp?

  5. On 10/24/2016 at 4:05 AM, Mace from Space said:

    Could you please be so kind and update your toolbar intergration. For now your mod is not usable cause there is no way to open it in game.


    I'm not actually using Toolbar in this mod. You should be able to see a "Show Navigator Controls" toggle button when you right click on a control module that's attached to your spacecraft.

  6. On 9/8/2016 at 8:54 AM, _Astra_ said:

    Thank you a lot for this update.


    How do i bring the control panel shown at page #1? I found it.

    Do you plan adding a jumbo version of sail ?

    Good to hear. I'm learning how to model new parts, so I can add different sails, small & big. I would like to add some big ones from the literature, like the Halley's Comet rendezvous designs from the 1970s (800 meters wide), current concepts for interstellar precursor missions, and 2-mile wide Martian freighter concepts. Maybe some giant interstellar laser sails.

  7. On 8/21/2016 at 8:34 AM, Ralathon said:

    Just tested this out and it works like a charm! Loving it.

    However, I noticed that persistent thrust does not seem to work when the vessel isn't active. So I can't set up a maneuver node with solar sail navigator, go do something else for a year and then come back to a probe in the desired orbit. Are there any plans to add this functionality in the future?

    Glad to hear it! I do plan on adding that functionality, using the orbit states from the preview trajectory. It's one of the most requested features.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

    About the Ion engines... They have the same thrust as NASA's engines with this mod... But they still have KSP's ISP!

    that just makes them really terrible and not useful.

    an ISP of 42000 or 42 million makes more sense if you are going to turn down the thrust to that low.

    The KSP ISP is actually about right for real ion engines. The KSP devs made the thrust so high because the game can't thrust during timewarp. By thrusting at high timewarp for months or years along most of the entire trajectory, they work pretty well. The SolarSailNavigator mod helps with this by scheduling how to steer and throttle the spacecraft, and showing what the future trajectory looks like.

  9. On 7/14/2016 at 8:48 AM, FreeThinker said:

    In KSPI-E for the Daedalus Engine, I get arround this limitation by allowing the engine to generate durring timewarp even without throtle set. As long as the engine is enable, it will accelerate.This will technically allow any engine  with any thrust to speed. Of cource at low Isp it will mean you will lose all your fuel in a matter of seconds

    Thanks. How exactly are you doing this? I'm looking at the source. I can see some differences with my code.


    The problem shows up even when I'm not using PersistentEngine. If the thrust is over ~5 kN, it won't enter timewarp. When under 5 kN, it will enter timewarp and shut off the engine. Thus, preventing PersistentEngine from being able to do anything.

  10. It definitely looks like KSP is doing some inconvenient "safety" check that prevents switching to timewarp when the thrust is above ~4kN (I tested with the stock LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor). Any ideas on how I can trick it? Like, temporarily zero out the throttle when the command to switch to timewarp is performed?

  11. Just now, RedParadize said:

    I can't use persistantThrust with more than 1kN thrust per tons limitation. Is it a limitation that I can change?

    I didn't program a limitation in there. You may have discovered a conflict between the plugin and KSP at high thrust levels. I've only tested it with low thrust engines.

  12. 11 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    Well there is a solution for this you know, you could add a charged power buffer to the engine which is dynamicly scaled with timewarp. I do something similar in KSPI-E with the Megajoule resource. The trick is to correcly scale stored electricchage while accelerating and de-accelerating

    Currently, PersistentEngine doesn't actually deplete any ElectricCharge (due to the problem with it doing so inconsistently at different warp levels), but your suggestion may help with that problem: do it manually based on on the timewarp, instead of trusting "RequestResource" to work correctly.

    With this current problem, I've only seen it happen when the vehicle isn't power positive in realtime mode, the control module batteries deplete (even if other batteries still have power), and I try to switch to timewarp. If I'm generating more ElectricCharge than the engines are consuming, I have no trouble switching to timewarp. The control modules typically have very small internal batteries, and for some reason KSP depletes them at the same rate as any other larger batteries, and can quickly deplete the control module.

    I was wondering if anyone else can confirm this, or has seen the problem under any other circumstances?

  13. 4 hours ago, Trolllception said:

    This does work with NFP.  You will need to create a module manager patch to add the module to all the engines.  You can use my patch linked below that I created.  I am not modifying the thrust values as I have seen many others do on this thread.  My goal is not 100% realism but to allow me to use electric engines and not leaving my PC in physical time warp for 20 minutes to complete a burn.  Just delete the ION engine config file from GameData\PersistentThrust\Patches and copy the file below into your gamedata directory.

    LV-N, Ion Engine, NFP Electric Engines, and Kerbal atomics engines with Persistent Thrust patch

    Also FYI version 106 seems to work better than 105 but there are still some minor issues.  Time warp is finnicky to get started and often times I spend up to 60 seconds before I can actually get the time warp to start while the engines are running.  Often times I will hit the time warp button only to have the warp go back to 1x immediately but after numerous attempts it usually will kick in eventually allowing me to speed up my 20-30 minute burn into a 

    Thanks for making the config file. Once I get the navigator working again, I would like to set engine performance to realistic levels, because then you can apply the thrust over long periods.

    I am also getting the drop out of timewarp under a specific condition: when the ElectricCharge of the spacecraft control module is depleted. I'm testing this out with a solar powered vessel that has an extra battery and two AFTER engines. If I turn the throttle up too far the power generation of the solar panels can't keep up with the consumption, the control module ElectricCharge depletes (before the extra batteries do), and I can't engage timewarp. If I turn the throttle down enough that the generation keeps up with consumption, and the control module has charge, then timewarp engages. Can you verify?

  14. 2 hours ago, CreepieGreen said:

    Is it possible to thrust while the vessel is inactive?


    2 hours ago, CreepieGreen said:

    > Patch to the stock ion engine using ModuleManager with realistic thrust (0.25 N) at the same power level. Use as an example to patch your own engines.

    Here is the relevant part of the example: (full: https://github.com/bld/PersistentThrust/blob/master/Patches/ionEngine.cfg)

            name = PersistentEngine


    Not with this plugin. I plan on making that work in SolarSailNavigator (which isn't working with KSP 1.1 yet). It predicts where the spacecraft is going, so I should be able to update the orbit if you go away from a vessel and come back.

  15. On 6/25/2016 at 2:04 AM, Deimos Rast said:

    I was having a lot of problems with NRE's with Ion engines that I added this to in 1.1.3, even when the throttle was off and at full power and not at warp. They were largely NFP engines, but I can't see that it's any different than stock (this weren't PIT engines). But I also had the issue with a stock Ion engine.

    I don't have the log anymore, so I realize this report doesn't mean a whole lot. I know most mods that have anything to do with Time Warp seem to require at the very least a recompile.

    I'm struggling with a very strange bug. With an NFP engine (AFTER ion engine), the power consumption is 2X with PersistentEngine applied to it than without during realtime mode. Strange, because PersistentEngine doesn't currently consume ElectricCharge. It almost looks like the engine's resource consumption is being run twice, but I haven't found where in my code in might be doing that. I haven't checked if this applied to the ion engine as well.

  16. On 6/20/2016 at 11:01 AM, Trolllception said:

    I am using the latest version of Persistent Thrust and a MM patch to add the PersistentEngine module to all Near Future Propulsion engines.  It appears to work if your using significantly less than max throttle.  I was able to use the mod with the NFP Hall thruster and it works at less than 50% thrust.  Anything higher and it cancels out of timewarp.

    I noticed that problem too, with the AFTER engine and even the stock ion engine. It looks like new behavior with KSP 1.1. The trouble with the ion engine appeared when my power available to it dropped too far, like when the solar arrays were edge on to the sun and couldn't rotate to get enough sunlight. In the past, I have seen problems before where the power consumption works fine at one time warp level, but doesn't at another. I need to look into it a bit further.

    Edit: This error only seems to show up if the power is depleted while the throttle is on. It's intentional behavior of the game from what I've read. I disabled ElectricCharge usage during timewarp because of another bug I mentioned (inconsistent ElectricCharge usage between some timewarp levels). I'm not sure if NFP is doing more with ElectricCharge that may cause the problem during timewarp with PersistentThrust. But, the stock ion engine with the mods seems to be working as intended. I will look at the NFP behavior more to see what it's doing with electricity.

  17. On 6/5/2016 at 2:57 PM, jordanjay29 said:

    I'm having trouble getting this to work. I'm using Near Future's AFTER ion engines, and despite trying to configure the MM config myself, or using the one provided in page 2, my time warp keeps breaking as soon as I engage. It only happens when I have ModuleFX configured for the engines, if I just have PersistentEngine it works without any thrust.

    Thanks. I'm looking into it. I discovered some conflicts between NFP and the PersistentThrust patches that I'm trying to resolve. The patch described previously doesn't seem to be working anymore. The "GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache" file should indicate the new patched configuration of parts, and nothing except the stock ionEngine is getting PersistentEngine (the engine-specific module within PersistentThrust) added. I had to disable the NFP stock ion engine patch to take my modifications to the thrust and xenon/electriccharge ratio. The "BEFORE" and "AFTER" ModuleManager settings aren't working to apply the PersistentThrust patches after NFP.

    Edit: My mistake on the ModuleManager configuration. I'm successfully patching the NFP modules now, and the stock ion engine. I'll test if they work with PersistentEngine this evening.

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