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Everything posted by Insanitic

  1. So real GEM 60's burn out slowly, where they stay at a very small % thrust for a decent amount of time? Or is that just the thrust curve implemented in the mod? Also I've been wondering, does RO take into account the effects of grain geometry within each SRB? Specifically how the grain geometry inside of each SRB affects thrust as it nears fuel cutoff? The increase delta-V makes sense. Thanks for explaining that well. I'll try out the Stock Bug fix mod. I thought the SRB's collided on separation was because they had some residual thrust left during separation which would cause them to bump the side of the main stage.
  2. I see. But since the GEM 60 SRBs are smaller and therefore have low burnout mass and as you say they are jettisoned when they've stopped producing thrust, why does my Delta IV medium in RO not do this? My GEM 60s as they approach around 20 m/s left in their delta V's, have their delta V's gradually go up again to 1200 m/s. At the same time, the SRB's thrust remains very low, to the point that it lowers my TWR. When I try jettisoning them when they're at around 20m/s delta-V left, they collide with the Central core booster due to them having some thrust left, instead of cleanly falling away. I understand there are thrust curves and changes in delta-V and what not, but the delta V to suddenly go up again whenever the SRB's reach a certain minimum delta-V point at higher altitudes? I don't get it.
  3. I think that's what made me confused ultimately with the SRB when flying my Delta IV medium with 4 SRBs. However I noticed that the Space Shuttle's SRB had some residual exhaust/smoke plumes left even after separation. So I wouldn't think the exhaust completely disappears like in the second video you posted even after there is no more fuel right?
  4. That makes sense. This mod truly is a realistic overhaul to the nth degree.
  5. The RS-68 sounds and looks smexy . But I do notice something weird with SRB's, like the GEM 60 found in the Delta IV. I noticed that during ascent, even as I see Kerbal engineer's delta V values for the SRB nearing 0, it suddenly rises back up again. It seems like at that moment the engines stop (I know this by the TWR suddenly dropping) but the smoke/particle effects are still on and the delta v of the SRB stage keeps rising even though logically, the SRB have run out of fuel.
  6. I installed real plume but the problem with real plume + smokescreen for 0.90 is that some engines, like the RS 68 engines, have a bug where the smoke+engine effects stay on even after the engine has run out of fuel or turned off. It's kinda weird. I'm not sure if others have this also. I know that Hotrockets does not work with Real Fuels. UPDATE: nevermind, my RO install was corrupt and I clean installed it again. All effects are working fine.
  7. Yes it all makes sense now. I'm not sure why I got so confused in the first place. Maybe it's because I have always played with stockalike's customizable engine configs whenever I fly in RSS. Thanks for the great mod Nathan. Can't wait to see what's next in store for this mod.
  8. Well, that clears up everything. Thanks for the clarification Musgrave. Apologies for causing a ruckus over nothing everyone.
  9. I feel really stupid now. So what are those options for? The "Assign group id" options? is that for engine group controller?
  10. I don't think so. The buttons I'm getting like "Assign group id" that appear when I right click on an engine part is supposed to be the buttons that actually choose the fuel type and tech level that the engine will use and be at, like Kerosene+oxygen. Has no one ever experienced this? It's like the Realism Overhaul engine configs are not working. Look at page 153 of this thread. I posted a picture of what my problem looks like. When I use stockalike engine configs, none of this happens. My engine right click menus show the correct fuel options and tech level.
  11. But this is not the problem I have. My problem is that it seems like all.my engines when using RO have corrupt configs or something since when I right click any engine, it gives me weird options like "Assign group id" or "Clear group id"
  12. I tried installing with CKAN with no additional mods, just the bare requirements of RO (remote tech, RSS, TAC, Real fuels etc) and I still have the problem. Here's the log, just after I launched KSP to see if the engines are still giving me group id error options (which they still are). At least now when I tried launching it, smoke effects and engine effects appeared again so that's something. Here's the output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/dsa773na3ltt28l/output_log.txt?dl=0 UPDATE: Interestingly enough, when I deleted RO and installed your Reaching for the Stars config, the error still remains. Only Stockalike Real Fuels configs work.
  13. Yes, I have the plugin for 0.90. And I have installed RO last. I'm really at a loss of what to do to get RO to work. Maybe I'll try installing with CKAN though I doubt that'll change things. @vosechu Maybe I'll try installing RO first. I'll try anything right now.
  14. Either options show something like this: Seems like something is working, since the fuel type shows up, but I can't customize anything else. And also, after I've filled a tank with Kerosene+oxygen, this is what happens when I fly it: Yeah, the rocket is moving, but no plumes, fire nothing. Does the installation order matter? I installed all the dependencies first and then overwrite everything with the RO mod.
  15. All my engines seem to be messed up and I can't choose fuel mode, tech level etc. after a clean manual installation of RO. Playing on 0.90. Here's my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dsa773na3ltt28l/output_log.txt?dl=0 Any insight would be appreciated.
  16. I have a weird problem. For some reason, after I decouple a stage in which parachutes have already fully deployed, the chutes are cut automatically. How can I prevent this?
  17. Ahh I figured that. Anyway, here's my highly customized version of the SLS rocket. Instead of using LOX/LH2 as stage 1, I'm using Kerosene+LOX and replaced SRB's with kerosene engines. With it, I can carry 120 tons to 400 km orbit. because of the kerosene, it weighs around an insane 2000 tons on the launchpad.
  18. Thanks for this. I figured out that the "burn time" slider is the thing that determines nozzle size and it increased the thrust when I dropped the burn time. BUT, even with the same dimensions as the Space shuttle's solid boosters, the most thrust I could get for one booster is 6 MN, whereas the shuttle can go up to 12 MN. I'm still running 0.90.
  19. Thanks for this great mod, it helped make KSP startable with all the mods I already have. But I seem to notice that there's something fishy going on with the procedural SRB's. I'm using the latest Real fuels with the stockalike config and I think the Procedural SRB's are extremely underpowered. I make an SRB with similar dimensions to the Space Shuttle's SRBs but the thrust came out smaller than KW rocketry's biggest SRB, which is much smaller than the Space Shuttle's SRB. This doesn't make sense, as I'm thinking that thrust should at least increase in size right? So I can't use Procedural SRB's for my SLS model since it would just make the TWR <1. Any insight would be appreciated.
  20. Is it accurate to say that I can use a delta v map of our real solar system with RSS? I'm wondering how much delta V is needed to get into orbit around Mars from the Martian surface.
  21. Hmm, I can't seem to find a utilization slider for the SRBs. I presume burn time is the same to utilization? Oh and take a look at the burn time and nozzle when I change move the slider in the Solid Fuel bar: Is that supposed to happen? The burn time is off the charts and the nozzle shrunk to an infinitesimal size.
  22. Thanks for those tips Starwaster, the radiators helped. Also, I think there's something wrong with my Procedural solid fuel booster parts and I'm not sure if it has something to do with Real Fuels. When I make a solid fuel booster to be the exact same size as the ones found in the Space Shuttle (3.75 m diameter, 45 m length) the wet weight is 200-300 tons more than the real solid fuel boosters. Mine was at 800 tons and the shuttle was around 500 to 600 tons. Does anyone else notice this? It's making my SLS replica unlaunchable even with roughly the same dimensions and engines as the real SLS because of how heavy the solids are.
  23. Oh I see. That clears things up. Oh and another thing. Is there any fuel that never boils off? Most of my Lh2/LOx fuel is gone after a while for my deep interplanetary space missions with the nuke engines.
  24. The thing I like about FAR is simply because it gives me hard and true facts and statistics about the aerodynamics of my vehicle, something that the stock model does not have yet. So I'm still gonna use FAR over stock definitely.
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