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Everything posted by Owen5595

  1. Now try landing that on a float platform Nasa failed
  2. The kerbal looks half scared and half amazed
  3. Images will be posted in a few EDIT: Here they are, 100% Kerbal Easter eggs (created by me) http://imgur.com/j7XAZLe
  4. Actually, I live in the US too, but since it is now Easter in other parts of the world, I'd figure I'd get the celebrations started early
  5. I am working on a "art" project that will be posted later today (2 hours) In the meantime, I wanted to wish the KSP community a happy Easter EDIT: (and sorry for upside down picture)
  6. Nice, but 1.0 is coming out soon and I think it will be awhile for outer planets to be updated, so I recommend launching steam in offline mode or doing the mission quickly
  7. Wow, The hypetrain is already dying?
  8. #TheBarnSucks #DontBringBackTheBarn #WhySquad This is the only thing in 1.0 I am not hyped for...
  9. I will test out reentry heat by entering Eve's atmosphere at around 87km/s
  10. Try uninstalling the mods If that doesn't work just backup your saves and do a complete reinstall
  11. Years ago (2013), Nova announced in a post that there would be two more Gas Giants (Eeloo was supposed to be a moon of Gas Giant 2) My question after years is: Will the Gas Giants ever be added or is SQUAD focusing on other things? Early version of Gas Giant 2 (posted years ago):
  12. Little bit old, but still ksp - - - Updated - - -
  13. I can finally see why your hype level is only 5/10
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