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Everything posted by DeepSlayLP

  1. Okay so now everything works fine except for sometimes the parts stop and after one or two seconds they function again.
  2. I hope you can see it, if not here's the link: http://s76.photobucket.com/user/DeepSlay/media/Trouble%20Shooting/Finder001_zpsz9flsvgs.png.html?sort=3&o=0 EDIT: where can I find the output_log.txt
  3. So Im first doing a new clean install and then I will send you some screenshots.
  4. Okay so I installed the plugin rework, too, but it does show the 'stock' parts in the special tab; and still doesn't show your reworked parts, I don't really don't know what to do now.
  5. ZodiusInfuser, I have a problem with some of your parts not showing up in my KSP. It just shows the landing legs, and the trusses. Can you show a way to install this mod? I would appreciate it.
  6. Awesome pictures! is the cruise missile from BD armory?
  7. Is it too much work to design a cockpit that looks like the a10 warthog or similar?
  8. K.Yeon, would be cool to see a slightly smaller K-fuselage for maybe not so bulky planes. And maybe make the wings so that you can use them without FAR. Thanks
  9. I don't think so, maybe reinstall it. Or just delete it from your GameData-folder, open KSP once, close it install quiz tech and then start KSP again. worked with my KSP
  10. Maybe one idea: add some lights to the drone core that unfold or something.
  11. Hey how about an A-10 Warthog cockpit with a diameter of 1.25 m?
  12. But I got a problem with B9. With your mod the air brakes don't seem to work.
  13. Are you using any new .cfg-files or are these the same as with the adjustable leading gear? I think they're not the same.
  14. @Quiznos323, I found a small bug. The inline engine doesn't open the covers for me do you know any fix for this, I tried a reinstall and I started the game without it and then with it, didn't fix it. DeepSlay
  15. uhmm what mod did you use for the front landing gear? Looks awesome
  16. Maybe just one K-sized one that opens to the top and the bottom and then a ramp or something
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