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Everything posted by jake9039

  1. simply put, use the launch escape system as your only propultion,to get in orbit. your score is your deltav after getting into orbit
  2. maybe, some procedural thing, so if I crash my rocket in the desert, there is a new rocket shaped crater, or maybe on the moon because that is where I crash most.
  3. may I pretty please get a ticket onto the hype train? my toy one broke because there was too much hype with jeb in the klaw
  4. just a one time thing, unless it's really good. wich corp? I don't really care. don't have any action groups yet, but 1 will be to open cargo bays, and 2 to drop semi-guided bomb
  5. what I meant was I was adding 100km/s per click, clicking rapidly, mechjeb kept me in propper place,no nyan. exept alittle.
  6. this is really cool.but the problem I see is the cargo bays can't go upside down
  7. As cool as that sounds, we have a strict stock only rule. Sorry, man.is it ok if I submit without wings(so you could make them)?
  8. I you could use procedural wings, I got a good bomber all made
  9. I would like a mod like this, except up to date so I can use it for some missiles, because how would I balance out the decoupler stuck on the side. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43720-21-Radial-Stack-Separator
  10. so... have you heard of the beta program? it allows you to go back 1 update
  11. I like the Idea. you have no limits,like I like, but you can go negative. I think the funds thing isn't needed, but science, rep, and contracts in sandbox mode? that's good.
  12. I am afraid that command chairs Aren't considered as an Eva, but get a classification all of their own. Sadly,the op is to complicated to veiw on mobile, and I had so many mods, I had to do a manual reset. Gonna have to wait a few hours.
  13. I installed a mod for memory, and cut down on the stuff, so it works now
  14. the crash folder:https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5iz6AkddSYEclhhVlZ3NF9qSVU&usp=sharing I have lll,lll extra, mechjeb2,x science,blizy's toolbar, boulderCo,burntogether,chatterer,crewmanifest,darkmultiplayer, kerbalengineer,firespitter,jsi,kas,kerbalfoundries,kerbaltek,kerbpaint, klockheed_martin,kronalutils,ksa,kso,kspavc,ksplua,kwrocketry, Infernalrobotics,mk2decoupler,modrocketsys,mp_nazari,nasamission, navhud,nebula,nereid,nyancat,partcatalog,persistant trails,proceduralfairings,romfarer,smokescreen,squad,texturereplacer,thunderaerospace,trajectories,triggertech,tweakscale,vng, and that's about it. I installed all the mods, exept the stuff in ksos. then I ran the game. it works really fast. I install ksos. the game crashes. I uninstall ksos. it works fine. attempted on a clean install, still doesn't work.
  15. I was over nyan-thousand meters and me speed would have done a triple sonic rainboom
  16. ok... then I would like to make a mod request.!
  17. I wanna find this mod. I looked it up, but couldn't find it. so can someone please find it for me?
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