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Everything posted by jake9039

  1. I think, instead of the sound in the video, make more of a tshhh sound. but it seems cool.
  2. when I saw that, first thing I thought was "make a cargo plan, to put in the shuttle, and the aforementioned cargo plane should hold a small rocket"
  3. make an envelope save. I recomended this to some other people, but just make a hinge on top that has a hangar(that is the mod name) on top, that detaches, puts the ship in, save, walk, rinse, walk, repeat.
  4. woah! that works so much better than what I had before. thank uou. I was putting a rover down but it failed, so I am building a boat for no reason
  5. I got some pics did lots of aerobraking and some burns that failed, but in the end I got as low as I could outside the atmosphere. now, time to wait 9000 years for scansat the launch was put behind for some reason jeb: ok, so 9000 years after launching the probe,can I go yet? wernher:we don't fully understand these maps. we need some rovers to check it out. jeb: man. when we get there, I call shot gun!
  6. I accidentaly posted this in general fan works, meant to be in mission reports, please move http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109978-operation-dunashot%28in-construction%29
  7. This is a forum for my trip to duna, with the eventual goal of getting a manned lander, a rover, and a probe to duna. backstory; jeb:I want to go to another planet. we only sent one probe that disappeared. how do we get there safely? wernher: just wait. we need to send a probe and a rover to scout it out and look for the best landing spot. jeb: so how are we going to do that? jake(yes, I am going too): I found a manufacturer called scansat we could use. wernher: well, let's use thst then, as well as some other manufacturers jake: just call them mods. wernher:fine...
  8. I just though of why. you know how instead of moon they have mün? well I am guessing they plan on doing that to forüm
  9. this is really cool! gotta get Ckan back, uninstall my mods, and get this. it looks so cool!
  10. can someone make a giant craft where it goes a certain size (hopefully a box, if not you might be able to use lll) cocpit, then a smaller walkway, then a hangar the same hight as the cocpit but twice as wide, with 2 box engines.
  11. how do I install it?just chuk it into the gamedata folder?
  12. I want to do a career mode with fully upgraded facilities at start, but I don't know how much it cost to make them all modern ksc. I want to do science mode, but with contracts, and 0 money to start out with
  13. I will put down some pictures soon, but need help with it. it just falls apart. the engines are put on low thrust limiter for now edit: I just loaded it up to show, now it works fine exept the fact that the engines are too much another edit: it falls apart again now
  14. I have a space shuttle that should work, but it doesn't for some reason. all things line up, do a runway test of just the orbiter; BOOM! it falls apart. think"oh, it should be fixed by everything else in the vab. do a test launch, BOom! all falls apart. why? is it my complex wing geometry tht overlaps and seems weird? is it the mod? is it how heavy? if I have the engines off during launch it's ok. what is going on?!?!? the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5iz6AkddSYEbU1NaXNDTGM1UFE/view?usp=sharing
  15. I keep seeing these, and think" man, not enough fuel? I could likely do it just fine, if I land at just the right spot"
  16. thanks for reminding me about that! I knew about it, but didn't think it was 0.90 compatable.
  17. this looks really cool! just one thing... is it 0.90 compatable?
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