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Everything posted by jake9039

  1. I used to roblox. one peice of advice. do not play their games. they will scar you, and your computer for life. and, they are all just 6 year olds and roblox addicts(seriously, 200 bucks for some kind of dumb membership?) uh oh. I have been sucked in. close it. please. I will find a way back through. - - - Updated - - - there is one thing to thank. my bookmarks tab. I have been saved.
  2. 40 get down to -100000000 (to make it clear, 40)
  3. I get it into gold bars, and intrest. next poster gets $99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
  4. I love it. but one question. could you maby put the pictures in an imgur album?
  5. it's from maui. keep it. waiter, ther is a word of power in my soup
  6. I use danny2462's planet buster and remove kerbin. my glitchy terrain and ksc.
  7. yay! now I can build a spacecraft to take me to orbit. next poster, you have won 9999...9999....9999....error: number large enough not found.
  8. the buyer asks for a test ride, but then you notice their pilot liscence is bad. you call the police, but they don't believe you. st the buyer accidentally flies right into air control, just as a 747 is coming in to land, so you get crushed by debris and then ran over by a 747. I am going to ride a motorcycle.
  9. I delete the save file, and create a new one. I then walz up to the VAB and claim it as my hill my rocket chugging hill
  10. being a senior without a shielded docking port senior? Cheater!
  11. them great things.I would finally start a career.
  12. gets bill worth 5 usd inserts lie
  13. 1134 you pass through an airlock on the way up the stairs. you are now in space
  14. I travel back in time and kill greening galaxy, and send in a squad of special ops and they take down your universe. I then claim a random hill. my outside-of-universe-hill
  15. the game is simple. just say what you would do if you had early access to ksp updates, but before you do, reply to the poster above you. poster 1: I would make a hypetrain with the new parts poster 2: Can I have a tiket?. I would burn jeb. so to start off, I wouldmake a hype train and show it on youtube
  16. I turn into water that freezes the next poster
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