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Everything posted by jake9039

  1. I have a question. how do I make a vtol? all mine will start out fine, but then either they do all the flips or don't even take off.
  2. I would like it too... if I could get my dad to buy me a rift.
  3. I use to be a mod user like you, then I took an update to the knee
  4. exept you fail to realize it works off of some 0.90 code, but ksp is in 0.14.5 mode. still my hill.
  5. actually, if you have a part test contract and an explore here contract but you are on a budget cut.
  6. I then find a bug that is rooted so deep into the game, they have to revert to where there was only kerbin. I then claim their antenna and add a force feild mod. my forcefeild protected hill.
  7. sorry. his flight was cancled, but I hope that starwhips' wasn't
  8. 1151: you start contemplating why you are climbing so high.
  9. I then turn your rope into a snake, that procedes to bite you and the next poster
  10. too many exclamation points? CHEATS HAX GLITCHES!
  11. I take rss away, causeing you to fall, and poof on eve. I then claim a phantom hill on jol my hill(btw, I think that one can land on jool, just carefully and with a re-texture(meaning make the surface visible.)
  12. I put a virus on the internet, deleting all image files that anybody owns the moment they open up a web browser. I then claim the sph as my hill. my hill.
  13. I think he means this as kind of a forum game. but just see it that way. if so. I hate how long it takes to load.
  14. I rebel like the silver surfer. my hill.
  15. I think it might be like a mass per spot thing where if you have 200 tons all over the pad it won't break, but if you have it in a smaller spot, it will break.
  16. I claim a hill in that existance my hill
  17. I call paradox out on you. your paradox and my hill.
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