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Everything posted by jake9039

  1. I for some reason don't see the building exactly as fun, (because it always clicks through, and all sorts of other annoying things) but I just find that the spaceplane hanger seems better because that is where all the new, cool, and interesting parts are. p.s. played thousands of hours. still best I got is a satalite in orbit to duna. then I deleted the save.
  2. idea: to make the video, just do recording software for whole moniter, record the thing(pressing f-something-or-other to hide hud) and then crop video to the ksp window.
  3. for some reason, whenever I start the game, I am instantly drawn to the space-plane hangar. for some reason, I fell I started trying to build space-planes too early. was it a bad Idea to get too involved into spaceplanes before even getting good at landing on the moon, or even building a reliable launcher? whatever the case, I could use some help. starting with launchers 101, and hopefully getting a station, and finally possibly landing on the moon, minmus, and duna.
  4. +0.985! I think it should be a companion app but still be the same interface.
  5. granted. but then nobody corrupts the wishes. I wish jeb.
  6. looks good. but one thing to note, please take the mechjeb part off. I say looks because I can't do anything with it because of how bad I am at piloting.
  7. simple enough. I do my work in social studies. what could happen?
  8. I keep looking, and trying to go onto kerbalstuff, but chrome keeps saying it diesn't exist. is it just down, or is it deleted, or what?
  9. is kerbalstuff down? or is it just my computer?
  10. I have attempted many mods, such as adjustable landing gear, collision fx, and many others. sometimes it's refresh, sometimes those
  11. the final mystery problem is all the remote servers return errors as it says. edit. actually. it says it can't connect to servers
  12. I haven't tried downloading mods, but so far it works! I had Ckan in the downloads folder, might that be the problem.
  13. I have tried reinstalling Ckan multiple times, and I tried release, I tried prerelease, but it just won't appear. when it does, it can't connect to repositories. please help. I am on windows.
  14. my first eva's in career mode. all hell(krakens) broke loose
  15. unable to explain the reference? Cheater!
  16. granted. but it is time reversing fruit so it flies away and unrotts. Iwish to have an implosion grenade.
  17. The wrong idea that Jebediah has had is going very awkwardly because of control loss to bananas and sheep. That has pickles between the onion and the boosters during Kraken holidays murder, It causes weird's elbow to protrude none of those new SRBs after sleeping through
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