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Everything posted by jake9039

  1. I want to make an ssto(whitch I belive is just with rapiers) but the cargo bay and stuff like that is so long, so I need wings. how do I do good multipart wings?
  2. just squad,nasamission,blitzzy's tutorial to the moon(just titled blizzy's) and kspavc,and procedural dynamics
  3. KSP: 0.25 Windows 32bit Problem:No stock parts Mods installed: procedural wings, ksp-avc Reproduction steps: install ksp avc initialize ksp(to solidify installation) install procedural dynamics(procedural wings) run check sph no output log text visible edit:the game freezes on a b9 part
  4. made my first step on the mun without cheating! but jeb's bouncy titanium helmet kinda stranded him
  5. my (epic) attempt it was a modified kerbal x new challenge The Grinch snuck abord, hijacked it, and has hidden Christmas in the south pole! Get Him!! go to the south pole,land with 4 more kerbals(not in mine) and plant a flag
  6. just found out jeb is in a station, and my plane blew up so trying an orbital aproach
  7. I would like a mod(mods) that would be able to simulate how people REALLY finally got to space. IE I start by sending gliders off cliffs,the fly planes,then build rockets.
  8. I fixed the problem. I just THOUGHT it looked bigger and went slower,but it turns out the slower was scott manly's interstellar quest and the size was just me.
  9. I made my first lunar flyby! and cleaned out my gamedata folder(it was full)
  10. does it require the toolbar? or can I just use stock toolbar
  11. Disaster! we managed to invent cameras,but doing so blew up the r&d building so we had to start from scratch
  12. I don't know how they are different,but they are. also,I think my saves are traveling between them
  13. This thread is where I am going to put all my scientific adventures(in science mode,of course). I am not using many mods of course, we haven't researched cameras yet so I'll just have to tell you presenting the boosty m.k.1 plan: have an srb on a m.k.1 command pod,launce,and make some science! result: success it went up, got science,went down, landed
  14. if a mod could please close this thread,challenge canceled
  15. what I was thinking of in the op was that we need more rover bodies. and more ways to carry rovers, the list goes on..
  16. I tried that,but it made the game run really bad
  17. I build hulking behemoths, scrape science from wherever I can, get mechjeb's autopilots, build bigger things, give them to mech jeb, watch them explode, then revert to spaceplane hanger because I think I did it all wrong
  18. the screen is. I like the steam sized window because I watch youtube while playing but when I copy the folder the window is to big
  19. I bought the game on steam, but now I want to make a copy so I can have a stock ksp, and a modded(and maby a little more) but when I copy it, it works, but a lot bigger than what I want.
  20. I think you should show a little more love to rovers
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