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Everything posted by Baconation

  1. Yes!!!! so close!!!! hyping from 30 miles away from the real KSC!!!!
  2. Lol, I knew the Civil war part and the Presidential deaths part, but the hoover dam part, is pretty 'dam' interesting
  3. So today is the 27th and we have the release today. I wish I wasn't so busy this past week because I wanted to do something to sort of go off of what I had noticed, for the week up to the release, I wanted to highlight a different KSP release for each day, but in a more specific and clever way. If this was still in numbered order, we'd be at 0.27, releasing on the 27th. I would have loved to have highlighted each release on each day. Yesterday being the 26th, so highlighting 0.90/0.26. 0.25 on the 25th, etc. I don't know if it was intentional for them to release .27 on the 27th but I find it interesting nonetheless.
  4. maybe do a poll for each continent? may not be as specific as you want, but it'd be hard to include all the countries, but 7 continents is much more manageable.
  5. As long as I grab groceries for dinner and run the laundry, I get free roam to geek out on KSP today. She's listened to me talk about it for the past week or so even more than I normally do. I'll manage to get her to build a rocket or a plane one day though, she's a science major and her dad is an engineer and I really know she'd love this. Long story short, she's more than okay with my KSP time
  6. Adding to the hype!!!! Excited to begin the ventures of my new O Aerospace Industries company!
  7. I feel like we may see flags for all these missions in game. Not sure what other thing they could be advertising with the clues in the countdown, other than some very Klever ideas.
  8. bumping because this is still relevant, and because I changed my mind and plan to slowly develop a fully reusable space program, starting as soon as possible in the tech tree.
  9. My guess is that because they are referencing crafts from both the ESA and the CCCP/Roscosmos, we may see FLAGS for each of these administrations in 1.0.
  10. Didn't SpaceX recently lease one of the launch pads at Kennedy Space Center, and are converting it into a landing pad? I'm certain the barge system is only temporary to prove the precision of the rocket to have convinced NASA and the US Gov't to allow the landing at the pad, since it is on US soil. Or I could also see the barge being used as an off shore landing site for say, Virginia based launches, assuming SpaceX has contracts that extend to that facility. Regardless, the barge should be engineered to fit a system to help ''capture'' the rocket and assist with the landing. Perhaps the barge could be lowered in the center, akin to the design of a deep dish pizza crust, with a wire/rope system in place to net or enclose the rocket's four landing struts beneath it, running off a hydraulic, or even gas powered explosive deployment for quickly securing the rocket down.
  11. I will probably find myself doing this as well. Bringing over some of my finalized airplane designs that I've made to do some tweaks on those as well for the new Aero.
  12. We are getting closer and closer to 1.0, and I'm beyond excited. What is everyone looking forward to doing the most/first? I'm thrilled about finally starting a career save that I can never have to worry about needing to restart because of a major change in development. It will be much more interesting being in career mode now that (hopefully) the alt+f12 menu will be gone, since I couldn't help but use it at times, and I'll definitely be placing more importance on the lives and safety of my Kerbalnauts. So yeah, what about all of you?
  13. I saw that on the top thread of the forums, but the reply is appreciated nonetheless. I'm really happy with how the IVA's look for everything. I'll enjoy doing cockpit only missions much more now.
  14. I only managed to check out the cast for a few minutes while Max was putting the nuke engines on his asteroid ship, but I couldn't continue to watch because of time constraints. Any interesting things talked about by Max?
  15. The drill looks great. Resource map isn't too bad, as long as the meaning of the colors is explained. I also can't wait to see the finished IVA's, I'm really excited for the Mk 3 cockpit as well as the science lab IVA modules. My concern is this though. I see with the contract system that the rescue missions could take place on other planets. Will those contracts take into account whether or not I have landed on said body? For example, I get a contract to rescue Bilbo Kerman from Duna....but my space program at the time had not been to Duna. Well that doesn't make much sense. I'm sure I'm overthinking it, but I don't think Kerbals can teleport, and it would take away the sense of accomplishment for reaching that planet or moon for the first time.
  16. I have no idea what's going on here.
  17. Duna shows up actually as a one pixel object in the sky. I had some screenshots somewhere showing it all. Minmus is pretty visible from Kerbin, but Duna, that's a one pixel object that IS visible from Kerbin if you look hard enough
  18. Woke up to an email on my phone from Squad wishing me a happy birthday. First and only time I've seen a development and forum team take the time to automate that for the members and players, so it was nice to put in some time today. Started a new career....again...in 0.90, with hard as the default, but changed penalties to %120 percent, because 6 million for a building upgrade on hardmode would be tedious. Perfected my 18T/30 part craft, but already past the point of needing it since I upgraded the Launchpad. I have also made a great 30 part Mun/Minmus Lander that could possibly make it to Duna and back too. Right now I'm trying to get Jeb back from a 50km by 9mill km return that I didn't take the decouple force into account for extra d/v. All in all, I'm planning to finish my Explore Mun/Minmus contracts tonight, pick up Chuck Kerman from orbit, and send a probe fleet, and a Kerbal or two to Duna and Eve once the windows open.. Though I don't think I'll warp this time, instead focusing on Science from the Kerbin system, and having some decent relay stations for transfer vehicles, and going interplanetary for the first time with a mothership instead of a one kerbal ship.
  19. So I have a station around Minmus that I did a contract for, and have come across another contract of the same sort for Minmus. This time however, I need a station with a Research Lab and more room for Kerbals. My question is this...is the contract doable if I were to just add these modules to my existing station? Or would it have to be a separate station entirely to complete the contract?
  20. Yep, much agreed that it's going to be a wait and see, but should be exciting to see if it is added or not. It should add a good feel to the whole contract system and really have the player focus on whether they want to be in good with certain companies and such. Just seems like it will create more of a personalization in each person's career save without really affecting craft files and such for sharing.
  21. Okay, I wasn't sure if it was something that was fully realized within the game yet. I was thinking the interface may change within the system to be more emphasizing on those mentalities for each agency. Seeing as the contract generation stories each are based differently on the type of mentality of each agency. Gamedata/Squad/Agencies is where I found this information. I've logged almost a thousand hours of playtime and had yet to see any elaboration in the game on those mentalities, or even something that mentions it in game on the UI, or within some sort of informative parameter. I think right now, the contract system is very basic, and with the implementation of the Fine Print mod, we will see a much more substantial contract system, that will hopefully include more information in-game about the mentalities of these agencies. I just think it may be too confusing for the player if it was something that was never visually implemented.
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