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Pectus Solentis

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Everything posted by Pectus Solentis

  1. Can I use Radio Signals Intelligence Dish as a communications antenna in RemoteTech mod?
  2. As you said "The one thing I did note about the science labs that I didn't like is they have limited capacity." I think that adding Tundra Science Lab that has more science data capacity than stock MPL is quite desirable.
  3. Well, how about the cosmetic purpose? I think stock MPL doesn't go along well with MKS modules. And how about the cmbinization with CTT? CTT needs much more science points than vanilla techs.
  4. Quite a bit disappointing. I think that reprocessing Science data in my base is a primary function of constructing space base... Did RoverDude think that Stock Mobile Processing Lab is enough for that role? But I want Science Lab of Duna series or 3.75m Tundra size.
  5. Written as "Functions (Logistic)" document at MKS Wiki https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Functions-(Logistics) Resource Distribution is available when there is a kerballed rover between 2 storages if the storages are enoughly close. Then, my question is... When 1 of the storage is a kerballed rover then is Resource Distribution available? https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=ksp&no=2917&page=1 I used to make a mobile mining vessel using FTT as the above DCInside article shows.
  6. Hmm... it seems strange. I remember that Science Lab existed in MKS mod at least 4 years before.
  7. Is the module that does same roles of Mobile Processing Lab deprecated? I'd seen Science Lab module and that module did the same roles of Mobile Processing Lab but I can't find that module in MKS Wiki. (https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki)
  8. RoverDude. Whay about adding Engine Cowling for Karibou? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588/page771 Like this Honeybadger-MK3 Rover, Karibou-MK2 Rover with its own transfer engine seems good.
  9. Would you build the fuel switch mod for FTT fuel pods (or other spaceship parts mods) ? At first I tried to build that for FTT on my own, but I couldn't build it because I'm not a programmer... FTT thread : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91706-1-0-2-Freight-Transport-Technologies-v0-4-1-2015-05-15
  10. RoverDude. Don't you think that Space Train is nice? I suggested that on march, but till now you did no answer.
  11. RD. I think you have to pay attention to KIS. Now even one part of Packrat is not loaded to KIS Container...
  12. RoverDude. I wish to make HB Cargo Pods' Valuable Resources option, which carries 1500 ExoticMinerals (XM) AND 1500 RareMetals (RM) at the same cargo pods. Is Cargo Pods' carrying XM/RMs against your intention?
  13. RoverDude. It is able? To add a pair of robot arms (or integrate it into AES pod) to attach/detach KAS gadgets or put in/out these to the ship's KAS containers, or Taking Surface Samples... ON BOARD. Being AES stands for Advanced EVA SUIT adding that will make AES ships able to do as their model name do. And it will make AES ships serve as good OKS workers.
  14. I added Procedural LH2 Tank on my own, referring Stock and CRP's resource config files. but Is it oppose your intention? You made only 5m spherical LH2 tanks, and I worry 2.5m cylindrical LH2 tanks oppose your intention.
  15. To add FTT Hangar module which is able to contain spacecrafts.
  16. I need 4 various setted tiny crates (1 life support, 1 waste, 2 electricities) KASed to operate this rover. but I can't find ant options that assign textures and functions for KAS-Contained gadgets...
  17. Hello. I'm TACLS user and I'm faborable to your mod. But what i want to suggest to you is... How about adding small radial (as petty as z100 battery) purifier which supports 3 kerbals? Current purifier is so big and heavy, and inline only, and too overpowered to support one exploraion team. 1.25m one supports 8 kerbals and 2.5m one suppprts 9 kerbals. Isn't it? So I wonder how I can support one extrakerbin exploration team, which consists of only 3 kerbals. Just packing a pile of FWO(food, H2O, O2) up to crew's comsumption is what I should do? But packing pile of H2O and O2 for a journey of at least 3 weeks (to minmus) or 1 years (to other planets inner than Jool and Dres) seems quite a few unrealistic. Pile of H2O is heavy, and Pile of - probably liquid - O2 is dangerous. Bringing pile of food is one of obvious and must, but bringing pile of H2O and O2 is a kind of ridiculous and hazardous things, i think. So I think that there should be petit purifierz that support 3 kerbals... radial ones will be better.
  18. Do you know Hangar mod? I think it will be splendid if Hangar mod is integrated to FTT.
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