If anyone is having difficulty reaching Minmus, I invite you to use this ship I have created with NovaPunch 2 and Tosh\'s Cart mod (1.32), as well as some fairings by Down Under. This craft comes with eight liquid engine \'boosters\' to be discarded when out of fuel. The initial launch begins with nine engines, and you\'ll be out of the atmosphere in 120 (smooth and stable) seconds flat. It is, in fact, possible for experienced kerbalnauts to reach Minmus with the 2 meter stage. I, not being one of them, have included two additional one meter stages as a reserve and because the rocket simply looks better that way This thing has plenty of fuel if you discard your liquids when their external tanks run dry, so getting to Minmus isn\'t dependent on its (or your) location! Indeed, I have landed on it on my very first attempt after launching on an escape velocity from the opposite side of the planet. Subsequently I made two more successful landings from different orbital scenarios. So if you\'re having difficulties reaching Minmus, give the MAC-II a go. Soon enough you\'ll be admiring the view like me. NOTE: no RCS units are supplied with this craft. This may make orbital maneuvering frustrating for the less patient. Feel free to discard the two meter stage if this bothers you; the one meter stages will still be sufficient, and they are maneuverable without RCS.