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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. A few of them are related. Launchpad looks kind of like RD is taking off from one, Chrome had flutteryay because Chrome makes me 'yay' inside, App Store/Rarity is a natural pairing, same for PS/Photo Finish, iPhoto, iTunes. Cutie Mark Crusaders/Cutie Mark Finders should also be fairly easy to relate. Twilight\'s text edit, Derpy\'s Dropbox (she dropped a box in the show and looked just like that), and Dashboard should also be obvious. Admittedly, Steam, Quicktime, Skype, Paint and a few others are a bit more out there, but ponies is ponies. ;P
  2. Still up for an F-14? I\'d like to see that too, haven\'t seen a good use of swing-wing motors besides folding planes yet.
  3. I can\'t ever remember any dreams in time to recount them for threads such as these, but I can definitely tell you I have had some mindf dreams.
  4. I\'d be ashamed if I called it an SU-47 attempt. No, somepony else has already done that, and it wasn\'t my objective.
  5. One last bump. If nobody replies, I\'ll assume you\'re defeated by the challenge of flying these complete failures marvels of engineering.
  6. So I just finished ponifying my Mac. Anypony else interested in doing the same, shoot me a PM and I can give you these beautiful icons.
  7. Welcome to the forum If you have any questions please see the How To section.
  8. Quite a beauty you\'ve got there. Reminds me of something I\'d find in an Ace Combat game. If you have no name for it as yet, may I suggest the Wyvern?
  9. It was condensation forming a rainbow. Anywho, nine if self drawn, six if not.
  10. Just finished reading that NOVEL last night. So maaaaany pages. So many excellent pages. Great work.
  11. Will we keep the data we have already input or have to start over yet again?
  12. I joined before any 13.x patches, does that count for anything? ;P
  13. (I\'m flattered.) http://i.imgur.com/3Hgoi.jpg
  14. Yeah... was on the weird side of Youtube last night. You don\'t actually need to listen to this one, the video is enough to induce optical illusions.
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