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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. Civilization II should be able to run pretty well. No offense but that\'s a pretty meh system. 1GB of RAM with an integrated card, ~122mb dedicated... processor might be okay, dunno much about it. Soldat should be good, it\'s a 2d side scrolling shooter with optional blood and a helluva lot more entertaining than it sounds. Terraria might be able to be run on that, I am unaware of its requirements. N could probably run okay. Fun platformer/puzzle game. Ace of Spades will run, but it\'s a combo of Minecraft building and terraforming and an FPS, so that\'s up to you... Age of Empires II should be fine to run. Empire Earth (original) should also be fine.
  2. Good! Now make a computer in Minecraft... ;P
  3. That\'s funny, I only buy stuff from Newegg because TigerDirect stole $1000 from my mom\'s checking account. Well, not directly, but whichever sales tech she talked to did.
  4. We can see about 30, actually. I notice a difference between 25 fps games and 35, for sure. @ OP I see no attachment. Try again.
  5. No! It\'s all depressing and crap! I hate you!
  6. checking that link right now!
  7. There is a plugin that allows for this, even during timewarp. It\'s called PowerTech, and AFAIK only applicable to deployed satellites, aka something you would decouple and therefore have no control over. I\'m not 100% sure on that though, so check out the thread.
  8. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834100220
  9. Yeah, definitely wait \'til .15 for the new engine classes and air intakes, etc. You might be able to create a mesh for fuel inside of the wing, such as the BigTrak\'s mesh for the command pod inside of it, and the decoupler shrouds of several mods.
  10. And that\'s why free products are shit. They don\'t care about the user\'s enjoyability, they can and will make it more frustrating than necessary to eke out more profit. It\'s why a lot of older free to play games make game breaking premium weaponry or bonuses.
  11. Don\'t delete it, very useful for college. Just ignore it or check your messages, no need to actually sink time into it.
  12. You need a new motherboard to run DDR3 RAM.
  13. Nooooooooo I need another erspective ;P Looks like Portal. Eight.
  14. I feel like I\'ve been here before... Five this time
  15. Unless you have a sentimental attachment or something to it, I\'d heartily recommend a new one.
  16. You can probably get a new one with better screen resolution, weight, and technical specifications for only slightly more than what it would cost to repair yours. For example, $450 can get you a 15.6' laptop with: [li]Intel Core i3 2350M(2.30GHz)[/li] [li]4GB Memory DDR3 1333Mhz[/li] [li]500GB HDD 5400rpm[/li] [li]DVD Super Multi[/li] [li]Intel HD Graphics 3000 [/li] all on a Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium OS. Of course, I consider XP an embarrassment with windows 7 available, and like to be on the bleeding edge or close to ;P YMMV, but I would consider this a better deal than even a $100 repair and refit. If you need a new screen, a new wireless keyboard and mouse, as well as a new battery, I think $100 is generous.
  17. 14.4 has plugin support (and there are a load of excellent plugin add-ons already; solar panels that generate energy, an energy-based fuel system, auto-orienting satellites, an autopilot, blimps, lasers that track other objects and overheat them to the point of combustion, extendable landing gear for spaceplanes and rockets, functional carts/rovers, robotic servo-motors that rotate attached objects, who knows how much I\'m omitting), a new terrain generator for Kerbin as well as the Mun, persistence and the tracking station (begin any mission where you left off; rendevous with previously launched craft in orbit or on the Mun, et cetera), as well as access to all future versions of course. 0.15, coming out very soon, will have a horizontal hangar for spaceplanes, official spaceplane parts that behave very differently and much more sophisticated than the current ones, and an improved runway, amongst other features. You\'re also getting it for much cheaper than it will be in the future and helping fund additional development of the game.
  18. Rule 13: Jebediah Kerman is cruise control for cool.
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