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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. I avoided the game after wasting an hour trying to figure out how to do anything and reading several other AARs. Just not as interesting or potentially creative as EU3.
  2. Victoria is like EU3, but tenfold more difficult.
  3. As a tanker with a 54% win rate over 3900 battles, there is plenty of tactics in it, but strategy is nonexistent unless you\'re in a good clan and in a position to command a squadron or army group.
  4. Winter Wrap Up 8bit instrumental is better than the original.
  5. No issue should be placed on a pedestal, no issue should be taboo. No issue should be praised or reviled 'just because', but should require greater and lengthier justifications for such a perspective, the greater the bias (positive or negative) we are supposed to attach to them. Issues should be subject to review at any time, since situations change over time, and what was valid yesterday may no longer be valid today. People should NEVER believe that certain issues are set in stone, never to be questioned, always to be obeyed. People should understand that the greatest evils occur when people don\'t question what they are told and blindly believe and do what others order of them. When you let someone else think for you, you have handed over your life to them. Engage in debate and conversation, both to see the potential flaws of other positions and to also see the potential flaws of your own. Understand that a position or idea is not YOU, and that an attack on a position is not an attack on you. Be willing to alter or abandon ideas if others expose flaws in them, and to embrace new ideas if you think them better. Always strive for the truth.
  6. I made it to the second KSC! And apparently landed the plane at 2x speed... no wonder that was scary. There are two trees on the runway, just barely visible in the second image; I flew right over them by inches
  7. Brony music is awesome, no? I\'m sure most of you are already acquainted with such wonders as this, but for those of you who aren\'t yet, enjoy:
  8. I\'m laughably skilled in terms of grand strategy, so it fits just fine for me on Normal difficulty xD
  9. I frequent a Civilization forum and have over 7500 posts there. Civ V is widely considered as a large dumbing down of the series and an overall meh game at best. Civ IV Beyond The Sword is incomparably better. Not available for the Mac, though, as far as I know World of Tanks is great once you stop regarding the grind as a grind, but also not for Mac. However, good news; EU3 and HOI2 are both available for Mac OSX. I\'ve played them both and they are both incredibly fun. Admittedly I spend most of my time cheating and never actually finish a game, but those few times I played a while without cheating, I also had a lot of fun. It\'s quite challenging, and EU3 has quite the learning curve - less so for HOI2.
  10. I don\'t know if you\'d find much interest in cheat parts like that. Perhaps later when kerbits are an actual part of the game.
  11. cardgame I always play on Sham\'s Little Pony server when I do play, which is very sporadic and rare.
  12. I got a new MacBook Pro for college, and it surpasses my not-so-old desktop. i7 quad core @ 2.4gHz 4GB DDR3 Ram @ 1333 mHz 1 GB ATI Radeon 6770HD 750TB HDD now my primary KSP machine.
  13. The launch vehicle is rather meh as stated, but wow! Good job on the station!
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