No issue should be placed on a pedestal, no issue should be taboo. No issue should be praised or reviled 'just because', but should require greater and lengthier justifications for such a perspective, the greater the bias (positive or negative) we are supposed to attach to them. Issues should be subject to review at any time, since situations change over time, and what was valid yesterday may no longer be valid today. People should NEVER believe that certain issues are set in stone, never to be questioned, always to be obeyed. People should understand that the greatest evils occur when people don\'t question what they are told and blindly believe and do what others order of them. When you let someone else think for you, you have handed over your life to them. Engage in debate and conversation, both to see the potential flaws of other positions and to also see the potential flaws of your own. Understand that a position or idea is not YOU, and that an attack on a position is not an attack on you. Be willing to alter or abandon ideas if others expose flaws in them, and to embrace new ideas if you think them better. Always strive for the truth.