I don\'t think this has been done yet, or if it has, at least hasn\'t been published. I\'d like to share two designs I created tonight at 2 AM The first I call Inverse, because I inversed all of its wings and control surfaces - even landing gear - 180 degrees. Look at this beautiful thing: It flies! ... it spins! ... nevermind The next I call Reverse, because everything is backwards. It doesn\'t even face the runway. It flies! ...nevermind My challenge to you (this is a challenge thread too, yay) is to actually fly these planes... anywhere. And land them again. Total distance travelled must be over 2 km. Inverse will do that death roll if you leave SAS on while it\'s in air, but if you turn SAS off you will break your engine off lifting off the pad (turn is too sharp or something). Reverse... I don\'t know. Nothing I tried could get it out of its... brick fall. NOTE: All controls are also reversed. If you want to turn left, try to turn right. Minor modifications like more or less control surfaces are okay, but make sure they\'re inverse Otherwise use provided .crafts if you want to try this