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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. If I burn straight up and get a PE of ~75k (just outside of the atmo), could I/should I shut off the engines and burn completely horizontal when I get near that point?
  2. I built a sort of single-file tower of SRBs earlier; to prevent the jiggling, secure each booster (with struts) to the decouplers that bind them.
  3. Congratulations on buying KSP, I hope you enjoy it!
  4. A bit too small to see details, but it looks like a pony after close inspection. An original one, at that. Seven points
  5. This is just fantastic. Great work!
  6. Nine: the expressions captured by such simplicity is amazing.
  7. Nine! Entertaining, but not so much as it could be. Bonus points for the smiley.
  8. Tens of course! My favorite mini-scene from Season 1.
  9. Haha, yes, derpy is too derpy. As for #2, I forgot about the limitations of this forum - I\'m used to those that allow a bit larger avatars. [rate Altair\'s]
  10. Six for the stretch; were it otherwise, \'twould warrant a seven, maybe even an eight.
  11. Seven It\'s a bit fast, a bit small, and derpy looks really derpy.
  12. Yes, both packs are allowed. Apologies for the lack of clarity. I don\'t know about a topographical map, but mountains are clearly shown from the world map (m).
  13. Simple, agreeable and to the point. Seven.
  14. 9/10 Great Doctor plus reddit quote
  15. Jeb: Hey look, our airplane is flying like a bird! Bill: Uhh... is that good? Bob: OH GOD THE WING! EJECT!
  16. You guys are all doing it wrong. I award you no points, and may the OP have mercy on your souls.
  17. From what I understand this new version has no modding support and every gamer who played the previous versions is pronouncing the entire MSFS (Microsoft Flight Simulator) series dead.
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