This tiny craft is built for agility and speed. It has complete RCS controls and is capable of flight using only RCS thrust - but liftoff must be achieved with the standard engines or catastrophe will strike. Gliding characteristics aren\'t awful, but neither are they sufficient to complete a horizontal landing. VTOL, however, can be accomplished. Two test landings were made without landing gear: one was a total loss of crew and ship, the other sacrificed only one Neutron engine and had an otherwise safe landing. I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike, I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like Horizontal takeoffs are out of the question as well; the wheels simply can\'t bear the thrust, even with RCS assistance to get the nose up. Speed demonstration: The Bumblebee was actually able to reach 489 m/s at 6,000m, but due to faulty camera equipment no such image is available.