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Everything posted by natan

  1. ok sounds silly compare the two now looking the configs, but, by it self the mun return reentry with zero ablator usage doesn't look strange?
  2. hey, im getting some inconsistent ablator usage, about the same periapsis on two reentriess, one from low orbit, other from mun return, two slight different vessels, the mun one with some universal storage modules between capsule and heat sheild, and the heat shield was the stock one, while on the low orbit, i used the heat shield that comes with the corvus mod, i dont think that this is the problem because heat shields use the ablator resource, which is the same for both. So, on the mun return, i got 0 usage, thats right, pretty much a bug, on the low orbit i got about 98% usage, on others reentries, mostly low orbit, i got about 10% to 20% usage. The only mod that changes physics that i have installed is far, every other is parts or utilities, i always use around the same periapsis on my reentries and the vessels most of the time are capsules only, with one or other experiment part.
  3. i'm not getting beep sounds, i did set to beep every seccond and nothing, is it because i have remote tech and im at a manned vessel, not connected? and about the buttons, im only seeing green and red, is it still because of the RT integration?
  4. I have the same problem, latest mods, fresh install and ModuleManager 2.5.1, the only mods i have are Dmagic, Station Science, MechJeb , SCANsat, KAS and US. I still dont see any US parts like the goo container.
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