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Friend Bear

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Everything posted by Friend Bear

  1. Not trying to be abrasive, but how can I not inquire as to general release times for updates because of trying to see whether I should wait to start a new game, which would require speculation, but we can run polls and have posts about the expected release date, directly, which also requires speculation (unless a member broke confidentiality)? Just want a better understanding of the rules so I'm sorry if I seem too direct.
  2. Also, your best bet is to set the other as a target. Then they will have a target symbol show over them when out of map view.
  3. Unless its an atmo. only jet, I just make all tanks liquid/oxy. You don't use any liquid in the jets, really, so there is a little extra for the rocket. Plus, weight isn't hugely different.
  4. Not a bad idea, but I noticed that planes built like yours will drain from the sides, then the middle, starting from the front of the front tank and working back, without lines. You could do lines to maybe change that and help with COM management?
  5. That does become an issue with lots of planes, but with your COM/COL and how the fuel is used, it won't be a big one on yours. COULD be when you remove a fuel tank as suggested but just keep the COM and COL where they are.
  6. If it is the spin out I am thinking about, it is because the engines are running at all before the intake dies. While it says there is some intake, you need to manual disengage those jets with an action group at the same time. I do this and engage the rocket at the same time. Judging by the COM and weight of your jet, you would be completely fine to remove the back fuel and have only the middle and two sides. The jets won't get through the two sides in time and would even allow for a reentry/takeoff with enough fuel to enter orbit with the rocket and rendezvous. But yeah, just set an action group that turns on the rocket, turns off the jets. and turn them off at the altitude you have been having problems.
  7. Oh man such a good idea. Got the wife to do it too. She loves lego...just not the time I spend on kerbal
  8. I agree. Awesome community. It's how the game grows. Way happy to support the group.
  9. After the announcement...I almost want to wait until .26 before i start my big game but I have no idea what wait that is. Might just go ahead. Makes sense with the mods, I have seen them change to where it breaks the old version and therefore older games. What about KSP as a game? If I am stock, will I always be able to play an old game after an update with the new stuff?
  10. If I am, say, playing a modded game (I realize mods need to be updated, too) at .24...Once .25 is out, can you continue that game with the new features enabled or do you have to start a new game? I have looked all over for a clear answer so I apologize if it is obvious. This can apply to any updated version and an older game. I just use .24 and .25 because of their relevance.
  11. Oh I see it, nevermind. It's in there, but because of the time zone difference it appears on a different day.
  12. So yeah...dumb question, but is Twitch streaming just referred to as squadcast or are there actual episodes and if so how do I see what time/when the play?
  13. Lol The guy in the top right must be the camera man's brother. Ugh now my next few rockets are going to mimic this...
  14. Docking is EASY as cheese that tastes good (assuming the cheese is easy in some way) if you pay attn to your direction of travel relative to the port you want to connect to. Stop movement altogether and move with the orbiting object. Turn to it, stop. Rotate to match it stop. Final turn to line up parallel to the dock, stop. Then use shift, w, s, etc to stay in that position but line up precisely with where you want to dock. Don't point at the dock and gun it. Makes you forget about direction of travel.
  15. Yeah I do that for my landers too. The only down side in this situation is there are no mounts for you to transfer full containers to the station, but its really not that big of a down side.
  16. I have to ask - How did you get the color? What mod? I'm too nervous to use textur mods since I am already running 25 mods.
  17. Yeah I have to stop treating forums like a chat. My bad (90s child). I also blame it being way past my bed time. I will reorganize and add to it midday. ----- Edited but it covers what I want. If you have questions, ask. Sorry if it is confusing.
  18. Yeah as they said, just add a wing to a wing. Rotate it, spin it, whatever you want. If it connects, it'll latch on no problem. Won't need struts either. Also, consider putting them low on the plane: Take a wing; Hold the wing over the bottom end (not side but the very bottom, outside) of the plane's fuselage; The wing will be pointing down - so press the rotate key and make the wing tilt 90 degrees; Attach (Just re-read - sorry that someone suggested it but at least hope my instructions helped) It will look like a piper (although that is technically a mid-wing, but you get my drift). Sometimes this helps with lift when entering orbit from the atmosphere. Also, you don't always need that much lift. Remember, more wings are more drag. Maybe you need better air intake, less mass, more thrust, etc.? You can fly horizontally right at the top of the atmosphere where air intake is closer to .1 and gun it, getting you up to 1800m/s sometimes. That will force you out of the atmosphere, then engage your thruster when no more intake. Careful though. This method may require manual shutoff of the jet engines before one delivers more thrust than the other because of air intake loss; leading to spin out. Just set shutoff as an action group int he editor. I like this and the lift is fine. As for design: I personally like 2 jet 1 rocket. This will require less fuel and allow faster travel. With a spaceplane SSTO - the trick is to get speed in the atmo and not in orbit for the orbit to be obtained. (also, look below concerning center of mass and center of lift) Let me log on and make one quick to show what I mean so you can get an idea. I'm not saying mine is the right way but it works and you can bounce ideas off that. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2e16vfs907kdz1c/2014-10-01_00001.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjlfiphsyttcd8i/2014-10-01_00002.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9vyz22558vxrtt/2014-10-01_00003.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cv0vx5qdl74m64v/2014-10-01_00004.jpg?dl=0 Check these out. Been a minute since I built a small one and I use a different rocket but its the same concept and will make it into orbit at about 90k round. This is a good example of less-lift = more payoff, assuming your plane can travel fast with air intake. Those front ram intakes work better than the radial and I don't know if its from a bug or what. The main thing is weight. If you don't have enough fuel, try replacing that rocket with a smaller one, like that small probe one. Its just to move the light plane higher into orbit, realistically. You are entering orbit speed with the jets at the high altitude since you don't enter orbit by going up, but instead by going horizontally. As for bigger - use the same concept. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pu9eu0qk0fixn9i/Untitled.png?dl=0 This is a shuttle I made that can both take off SSTO AND be shot as a shuttle launch, saving on fuel. Ignore the protruding rocket pointing right at you and ignore unfamiliar parts. I used mod parts, but you can repeat the concept. There are two cargo bays, cockpit, and a liqui/oxy tank, followed by wings, solar and batteries (underneath) but still one or two engines. Here, there are two rockets because it is vertical take off. When I runway it from Kerb, I swap it the other way - 2 jets - 1 rocket. Look closely, its hard to see. There are two rockets and one jet nuzzled in-between. I still get the speed I need and don't overweight from fuel or excess engines. One extra note - I build faster planes. A lot of the larger ones you see have more engines to push that mass through the air. As you get bigger, expand. But I find it best to add more engines and no necessarily more fuel tanks. Apply an engine body radially rather than additional, radial tanks. Then decide if you need more fuel. ------------- Another concern: Look at your center of mass and lift point. Judging by looking at the wings, I bet your lift point is far out in front of your COM. This does not help lift. You can consider placing the wings so the COM is in front or on top of the lift point. I put it behind because, as you use fuel, the COM changes over time. Too, you may want to try making your elevators horizontal and having a separate set of vertical stabilizers or hybrid elevator/stabilizers. But pay attention to wheel placement first, as was said. Very important to have the rear wheels directly behind/hugging the center of mass.
  19. You won't if its a spaceplane that delivers bomb-ready satellites!
  20. Yeah you have to haul it up there. That's why I attach a couple of containers with the generals to orbiters. You can also attach the item you want to use to the ship instead of putting it in a box and it can just be removed/replaced. I figure the cost is so low its not entirely unfounded. Might be worth it since you want fuel for the journey anyways? I don't know.
  21. Ah I've heard that too. Think its the process. Pretty funny though. If you kneed scone dough too much, it just becomes butter biscuits.
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