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Friend Bear

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Everything posted by Friend Bear

  1. I feel ya. Way stoked on that. But you pointed out the most important thing.... What we all want in this game is on its way. Whether its in .25 or .85. I will say this and hopefully you all agree. There is a reason this team is programming it and not something like Activision...Because we want a good product and not just an old, reskinned game selling for $60 and happily being bought because console kids won't try new, actually good games that sell for less. (Yes...Call of Duty jab because it is terrible) Squad, you rock. You are building a game we actually want and not one you tell us to want.
  2. This team is rocking. Honestly, so many posters have not taken the time to even assume what goes into programming something like this. It isn't simple VB "If ..., then ..." It takes a long time, and code can disrupt code, etc.
  3. A lot of the helpful posts are correct. Destructable buildings is one of the easiest things to implement in the long line of code they wish to introduce concerning collision and actuated effects, such as what Firespitter does for mods and cargo bay doors. You bought an early access game. Help them grow it rather than give them reason to employ more people to quell the unnecessary rage growing in the forums.
  4. I think the worst part are the people who complain here are the same people who say they cannot make it into orbit with mechjeb, etc. This is by no means an insult directed at people legitimately having trouble. All the luck too you; figuring all that out is the fun part of the game. But what I posted is what I have seen. If you know you are not included in that group, then you are correct to think so. For most, if not all of you, try to enjoy what there is and even master it if you wish. Enjoy addons that do a hell of a good job implementing months of labor. This is why the team is working on the core of the game...Addons add a lot that would take, themselves, months to implement. Play them if you really want more.
  5. I wholly agree. Criticism is used to build future promotions, creation, implementation, and overall gameplay. If it wasn't, this forum wouldn't be here in many aspects. But it is direct, insulting criticism, such as "I can't believe you did buildings" that really show no benefit. Why can't you believe that? What could they have done otherwise? I see a lot of posts here complaining; that they should have fixed existing issues (might I remind you this is approaching .25...not 1.25). Yet not one of them mentioned any of those issues individually, or even as a collection. That would be proper. Just scared this crowd is turning into the League of Legends community where anger is dished constantly with no gain or understanding yet surprisingly promoted by all the other ignorant posters supporting negative feedback (I hesitate to use the word, "feedback").
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