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Red- the Engineer

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  • About me
    That One Guy Who Disappeared Once
  • Location
    Stranded on the Island Runway
  • Interests
    Aviation, Tanks, Gaming, Education and many more.

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  1. I can't believe I missed this, because this is one of my all time favorite mods. I know I'm forty-two pages late, but best of luck to you all.
  2. Well, I still haven't had a chance to update to 1.1, but I figure I should at least show you the progress I made on the Mark II (my frigate, if you recall) before it was halted by the update. It was in a nearly complete stage, though it had not yet gone through testing. If all the ship-breaking rumors that have been floating around the forum are true--meaning that clipping was a primary cause--then I'm liable to have to rebuild it from scratch. So, I'd like to at least present you the Mark II in it's possible, final form. No, it did not actually fly in atmo. I just hacked gravity to get into orbit. It will not be posted onto my catalog with the Korsair Series until I manage to recover/salvage the craft from 1.1 after I update.
  3. Hurray! Now for my seventeen hour wait before I can access anything! Especially my new frigate!
  4. Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is is that I've almost completed what I'm calling the Mark II, a nice frigate with four guided missiles and eight detachable "jamming" probes for "stealth" capabilities. The bad news is that it is 2am, I have to get up early, and I have yet to add RCS and energy generation.
  5. Alright, my post on page 80 will be the FTC's hub, and I've already updated it with an imgur album showcasing all three models [of the Korsair Series] in their current iterations.
  6. Introducing the Korsair Series-- currently only three models have been produced--Types 0-2--and they range from a blank template to a ground support variant. The Korsair Type 0 (T-0) is a blank slate of a plane, only equipped with the hardpoints necessary for mounting weapons, a weapon manager, an AI pilot, chaff and flare dispensers, airbrakes, and an integrated radar. These features are included on all models. The Korsair Type 1 (T-1) is the standard air superiority/night fighter that was initially designed as the Korsair. Features include all of the standard series features mounted onto the T-0's airframe, with the addition of a single twenty-millimeter nose-mounted vulcan (ammunition included,) six AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, two wingtip-mounted Sidewinders, and an ECM pod mounted below the fuselage for additional stealth capacity. The Korsair Type 2 (T-2) is a ground support variant. Replacing the vulcan is a GAU thirty-millimeter cannon, mounted below the integrated radome with an extended ammunition supply for close-air support. Replacing the AMRAAMS are four Maverick air-to-ground missiles, as well as two JDAM GPS-guided explosives. Replacing the ECM pod is a targeting pod, allowing for easy target painting. I find these aircraft to be insanely hard to take down by clipping the wings, as I staged a dogfight between two T-1s (codenamed "Romeo" and "Juliet,") during which Juliet clipped one wing off of Romeo completely. Romeo, despite the normally critical damage sustained, stayed afloat. A few minutes later, the dogfight having continued, he lost his other wing to her. The dogfight continued for another several minutes, a wingless Romeo being ended by a swift spray of 20 millimeter rounds to the cockpit. I suppose I should've named him Icarus, in hindsight. Korsair Series: T-0, T-1, T-2
  7. Nice, nice--very shiny indeed--though you're not the only one with new toys:
  8. STOP EET! You're mocking me with pretty ships!
  9. I hope you know, once I fix my KSP up, I'm reverse engineering that thing. It's too pretty for it's own good...
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