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    Orbital Alpaca

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  1. Forgive me for I have but the smoothest of brains. The MKS Pioneer module was listed as having a survey station part but obviously it doesn't work because I spawned in a default EL part to test with and was able to build something, thank you so much!
  2. Potentially a very dumb question, but the internet's not turned up anything so far; I'm trying to make an offworld construction site (on Laythe) using survey stakes. However, when I pull up the build UI it just displays "no site found" and no matter what I've tried so far I haven't been able to get them to show up. I installed KIS temporarily to see if that was the missing piece of the puzzle, but no luck. Is it maybe a distance thing (currently building ~150m from the base) , or is there some other really obvious thing I'm missing?
  3. That is weird. But anyway, thanks for your rapid response! Guess I had better get to playing with them. I'm really enjoying the kit so far, it's an awesome set of parts. I do have a backup save where the slots are available in the editor for some reason, but it might be because of the presence of Kerbalism. It's the only mod I've changed between the backup and now and it does have its own centrifuge, so it might be because of that. Again though, I just needed to establish a baseline, I can work with either scenario- if you're keen to make a conclusion about it I can send the log your way when I get home. Thank you for your suggestion though!
  4. Hi, I've just got a question regarding crew slots on the centrifuges. I've had an issue midway through career where crew slots are no longer visible in the SPH and VAB on centrifuges. I don't know if this is a case of problem created or solved, could anyone confirm whether or not they're supposed to have crew slots in-editor? Just so I can establish a baseline. EDIT: Just checked, and it's anything inflatable, not just centrifuges. However, the phenomenon is limited only to the SSPX mod.
  5. @PiezPiedPy Ah bummer, that's a shame. I was really looking forward to pairing these mods up. I've located a user-made patch for it here, but it was made a couple of years ago so it'll be a miracle if it still works. If not, I'm no programmer but I'll see if I can't give it a good solid kick, get it working. Thanks for your help!
  6. Hi, so, I couldn't see a reference to this in the thread, but it might very well be that I'm blind. I've got Kerbalism at the moment and I really like it, but I'm also playing with the Pathfinder mod, the one with all the inflatables. I pumped up a massive dome earlier, but realized it had about 1 square metre of living space. Checked this both in and outside of the Spaceplane Hangar, no change. Is there something I've missed? A config, the order of install? (Kerbalism then Pathfinder, just for the record) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Granted, but you become incredibly obsessive, correcting mistakes in online articles through frenzied petition, and viciously altering spelling in physical writing pieces. You make a horrible mistake one day and browse Facebook, and the comments drive you over the edge. You sell all of your earthly possessions, barring your computer and your house, and vainly attempt to stem the tide of grammatical travesties. You eventually forget to eat and drink, and your final act is to post a correction, but as you fall, you spell the last word wrong and hit enter, immortalising it forever in the still-realm of the internet. This final act damns your soul, leaving you forever trapped in a hellish limbo wherein "affect" and "effect, "you're" and "your" and "there" and "their" are gleefully interchanged with one another in an endless butchery of the English language. I wish that the weather where I live would stay the same for more than an hour at a time.
  8. Granted, but you're forced to pour it all into a post about small kittens falling off of ledges in a comical manner. I wish I were actually decent at calculus.
  9. The last one on the thread has the Kerbal like "Oh... that doesn't sound good. Will it look any better if I turn around?"
  10. An XCOM-like random event series that makes the game feel like a living breathing world- a program- as opposed to a simulator. However, you may get attached to your Kerbals and watch them die horribly as the rocket crashes. So... Yeah. A gamey element as opposed to pure simulator.
  11. Stealth tank doesn't really work... but it looks ridiculously cool.
  12. First of all- welcome back Macey! Very glad to see you make a return! Hopefully I'll have some craft to submit to this thread. Light destroyers, fighter jets, MBTs, whatever you need. Pyroxes Co is more than happy to build anything you need, and hopefully I'll be able to directly dispatch a support flotilla. Hanland's gonna need a bigger fleet... *Insert propagandish Spiritwolf poster here* - - - Updated - - - Ye gods! How is that even going to stay together outside of the hangar, let alone make it to orbit?! I've tried building cruisers like that once or twice, but they tend to just dissolve because of a lack of struts...
  13. Granted, but it falls apart as soon as you get it. I wish for an Mi-35 Hind
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