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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Lazy8
My fairings have disappeared from the VAB when building. I can load a craft that has them already and all acts normal but looking for the part in any menu yields nothing. I also noticed starting a new game in sandbox mode they are there just not in career mode. The parts seem to be in the right place...the very first node on the career chart. This happened with the last update so not sure if its RP0, Part Sort, RO or what. Anyone else seeing this?
Not sure what the problem is but I had an issue with procedural fairings not showing up in the VAB...finally narrowed it down to running this. I'm not sure what else it's affecting so just decided to not use it for the time even though it does still save me memory.
[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)
Lazy8 replied to Claw's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thanks for the reply Claw and all the hard work you've put into this. I'll give it a shot and report any probs I find, there are quite a few bugs still floating around in RO RSS and I have a lot of mods installed so hard to tell what's causing what. Just thought I'd ask before taking the plunge..figured somebody had already done this but doesn't seem like it's too popular an idea for some reason. -
[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)
Lazy8 replied to Claw's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I apologize if this has been asked before but I didn't see it anywhere in the FAQ's or this thread....I know this is a "stock" bug fixer but I was wondering if this mod is compatible with RO and RSS? There are several bugs fixed in this that carry over to RO and RSS but with it being a STOCK mod I'm unsure. I asked over at the RO thread but no reply's so far. -
This is the second time I've asked this question so I going to guess nobody really knows...maybe I'll phrase it different and ask if anyone here who uses RO and RSS also has the stockbugfixes mod installed as well?? anyone?
Sorry if this is a newb question but I can't find the answer anywhere and someone in the RSS thread recommended stockbugfix for a problem with landing thru the ground issues. My question is...is the stockbugfix addon compatible with RSS and RO? or is it not needed?
I just realized I don't have the DP-10 as well..it's missing from my tech tree too.
I'm getting almost the same problem...All my antennas show links and everything looks normal but I get no connections on all my spacecraft I launch. All my in orbit spacecraft already have good links...weird? Update: Just found out it's a mechjeb thing...The mechjeb enabled pods and probes aren't working...I have to add a mechjeb case to the parts I want enabled now...will repost in mechjeb
is stock bug fix modules addon compatible with RO RSS? or not needed? I didn't see any mention of it in the wiki or recommended addons.
I'm having a new problem now with RF insufficient resources to ignite everytime I try to launch a Rocket using an LR87 series engine with an alternate config it fails to ignite and gives me the insufficient resources to ignite error. Any ideas? help? Thanks Update: I don't know if this is a bug or a design feature...I couldn't ignite an LR87 in any config but other engines seemed to work ok. I didn't try them all though. Disabling engine igniter in realsettings.cfg seems to have fixed the issue but then all EI is disabled now.
I'm having a hard time with ullage stopping all my stage seperated ignites. How do I turn off ullage? The setting in realsettings.cfg does nothing. When I go to stage checking the next engine..propellant says very stable but as soon as I try to ignite.. I get the vapor in fuel lines and no ignition. Thanks for the help in advance Edit: Ok I found on RO thread that ullage is already being brought up and I guess it seems it is acting correctly then..just super hard to overcome even with RCS to push the fuel back down after sep...I just can't seem to get it right and it's getting frustrating. More instruction on how to do this, parts to use etc would be awesome! or a way to turn it off till I learn properly would be cool too.
again...you are missing my point. I wasn't saying I wished KSP was a different game with more astronomical calculations to perform making the game bog down even more than it does...I was trying to point out that the way the game is NOW is fine, just why have kerbal, mun, minmus, eve etc...and not have earth, moon, mars, etc. Why have different values in terms of gravity, DV required, distance etc as opposed to just making our solar system the game. I think that pretty much boils it down to what I'm saying. I myself and only me, don't want to learn and fill my head with useless info that means nothing other than in the game as it now stands KSP. I wish that the game was made around the real SS with the real values and physics associated. Instead, we have to load mods that pretty well but not completely do that for us. Which takes away from loading other mods for visual etc. This is really meaningless...I realize that more and more now as I see some of the responses and read over my own comments. I had just finished watching a documentary on Apollo 11 and as soon as it was over and I was reflecting on it, I thought...damn! that would be cool to actually simulate that mission on KSP....oh yeah, that's right. KSP is a "game" and isn't supposed to be realistic. I wish it was. So I thought "Hey while I'm checking to see if RO has made more progress" why don't I vent on the forum about why I am frustrated with squad and KSP. Maybe someone from squad will see it and it'll become this loud voice of many people wishing the same thing. Maybe squad would just add a setting into the game to have Kerbals in Kerbleland or the player could use the real solar system with correct values. And then they'd fix the game so that an infinite number of mods could be used. The "game" could have realistic scenery and visualization from other planets and space and world peace would rule across the lands for a thousand years......lol...alrighhht I'm being facetious. I bought the "game" early on. I have had hours of enjoyment from it. It has been fun but I guess it isn't fulfilling what I want from it anymore...I'll check out Orbiter but from others comments and my google of it..it sounds dated and lacking in areas more so than KSP. The folks working on Realism Overhaul rock! and all the people that work on the mods in their own time rock! Here's hoping that KSP can overcome the memory problems and the dev community can overcome the limitations placed by squad by making this more of a "game" than a simulation.
No, that is not what I am trying to point out. I'm sounding like I want a completely realistic sim with all the monotony that goes with it but I really don't. I want KSP just with using the solar system and correct physics etc with it. Not trying to imply I want a new game that is infinitely more complicated and obscene with checklist and missions that take real actual days to accomplish. And as far as cracking the books.....I have cracked many books on the subjects of astronomy, rocketry, and space related. That is part of the reason I'd like to see KSP use that info from those books instead of made up stuff.
I think that is very cool! This would have made my time in physics way more fun..lol. I get that there is realism in the game as far as real math being learned and computed...but for me it just isn't the same. I want to try and fly the Apollo 11 mission or another historical space event (aren't they all??) but pretending that mun is the moon and that the distance, gravity, DV needed is the same as the real moon....takes away most of the fun, sense of accomplishment and game play for me. I'm speaking for me only (sound like I'm whining now too) The potential is there to use and learn the real values, math, astronomy, physics and really better understand and appreciate all that went into the Apollo 11 mission to make it successful, it's frustrating that with the potential there I can't do it. Does that make sense? or still sound like I'm whining? It really has sucked a lot of the fun and excite out of it for me.
Maybe this was the thinking by squad when they originally decided to make a fake world for the kerbals rather than based on our solar system. I don't get it. Why with a game as complicated as KSP where you will escape Kerbin all the time and have the DV memorized to heart would you not want to have learned and memorized the real values for earth. I get that the basics are there and you sub in out the real values and basically have an understanding of the principals but it's not the same. I am not a rocket scientist..lol. but I did have the privilege of working in the aerospace industry for some time. /brag on I worked on real Sat's. From design, manufacturing, testing to launch. I got to touch and be behind the scenes for launches from the Ariane V and Sea Launch. I've sent my family's pics up to space. I learned real attitude, direction and control mechanics, tested real prop systems, and established first comms after launch with our spacecraft. For real. /brag off So for me to play this game and see the potential to really learn so much true REAL knowledge from it..is cool! I don't want to fill my head with kerbal physics and info that is "fake" I'd like to be learning real info. I get it's just a game to and it will never be completely accurate...that would be too monotonous anyway. But if squad had used the real solar system..the real (or as close to) physics and the real DV and so on...would it have changed the game that much??? You could still have kerbals and all the fun cutesy stuff but really would it have changed the game?? I don't think so..if anything it would have made it more interesting to geeks like myself and still been appealing to kids and novices...but I think like stated above..applys I am embarrassed to admit that until today, I had never googled or heard of Orbiter. Seriously...lol...but I haven't played as many games as I did when I was younger...too many other things get in the way. I am downloading orbiter and will give it a go. Hard to believe it's been around a long time and I'm only learning about it now. I wasn't aware of unity 5 upcoming to KSP or what that means....I will have to google that as well, but my gut tells me it won't be earth shattering for KSP...so many let down's with KSP and x64 to date. But that would solve a lot of problems if KSP were to work as flawless on x64 and x86. fingers crossed I don't have to wait 5 years for that to come true. RSS is a part of Realism Overhaul...I'll check out the link you gave, thanks
I was dumb and deleted my saves and all files related to .90 Just thought I'd start over fresh. Just haven't had the desire and go back to download, hunt find old mods for .90 What is orbiter? another space sim game? You misunderstand me. I DO want to install MODS. I usually run with about 30 installed...really pushing the limits. I wish I could run with all the visual mods...that would be amazing. Don't care so much for the scifi fake mods but I could never play KSP now without DR, FAR, RP etc. I just wish squad made KSP based on real science and the real solar system. instead we have to install a lot of mods to make it realistic and even then it's not complete...for instance even with RO (realism overhaul) or RSS (real solar system) the planets are still named according to KSP....why? I'm guessing that it's hard coded in the base and can't be changed...minor but annoying.
Hi all, I'm not new to KSP but new to the forums. Been a lurker for a long time. I apologize if this post/rant/thoughts are in the wrong thread but I honestly don't know where to post this and figured General was good enough. First off, the good by my humble opinion. KSP is amazing! The idea is so cool, the game play is fun and addicting. There is a steep learning curve and depending on how technical you want it to be it can be really steep, but that is a good thing because it just means there is so much to do and going on in the game. Everyone knows this already who is in this thread so I won't bore you with a game review. Just wanted to show how much I really like and want to like KSP. I love space stuff...grew up watching the original ST and SW and every other show space related and in awe of NASA and all they did/do. To date this is the only and first real simulator for space stuff that is fun that I know of....excluding all the fantasy game stuff out there. KSP for the most part can be played realistically.....with MODS.... Now the bad and what I feel like is pushing me away from playing KSP (no this isn't an anti mod rant so please bear with me) The updates have been really cool and great! and had I never installed a MOD and been drawn into that whole realm, KSP would work for the most part flawlessly. The game by itself plays great..doesn't run out of memory and doesn't crash. But there in is the problem...it would just be another game and I would've grown tired and bored of it soon enough. I realized early on after getting the hang of the basics and making my space station and exploring the mun and minimus that I wanted something more real and true to life. Why am I bothering to learn the DV required to leave kerbal and all these other stats and figures and math for something that is......FAKE, made up...you get the point. While if I was learning the REAL DV required to leave earth's atmosphere and the stats and figures for all the other solar system planets, I would actually be learning something REAL, tangible and pertinent to real life. The idea of learning the actual flight characteristics for the Apollo 11 mission and trying to fly it is amazing! exciting! Now that I know that is possible...I no longer want to play KSP at all because I don't want to fill my head with all this BS about kerbal stuff...the mun, minmus etc. I want to learn real information. I want a real simulator not a GAME with kerbals from some imaginary planet, solar system. Damn! I really want to learn what it takes to plan, build, fly and do a mission to mars! not minmus. It's so frustrating to me, to think that KSP wasn't made this way in the first place. Why did they make a fake world??? did they think it would appeal to kids better? What about getting kids more interested in space and the real solar system. Big missed op here. My two cents. But back to my problem I am ranting about this here to everyone because I just feel like I have to vent this in the hopes they make actually hear enough complaints from people and do something about it. Not holding my breath. I can't play KSP right now because it just isn't fun to me playing the fake game now. I have to play RO or RSS but they aren't working for the moment with v1. I gotta hand it to all the people helping out trying to get it working. I wish I knew coding I'd pitch in because for me that is the only way to play KSP right now and I haven't played in weeks now. Withdrawls... I suppose I could go back to .90 and play but I haven't bothered to download the old mods. That brings me to the other problem I have...MODS. I could never play the game again vanilla knowing now what cool mods there are, just wish the game didn't use so much memory. I"m almost resigned to just leaving KSP for about 5 years and when the next tech comes into play for computers maybe it won't be an issue to play KSP with all the mods you want. Can you imagine how beautiful and amazing and fun KSP would be if you could install all the mods you wanted??? lol Ok I'm rambling, I do that...why I've been a lurker for so long. I apologize for the long post, I'm not going back over to edit it. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but I'm sure I did. I hope there are others, a lot of people, that feel the same way I do about having KSP reflect the real world and real science. Thanks for reading. TLDR I can't play KSP vanilla anymore and wish they would make KSP to reflect the real world and real science. Hope to be playing again someday..or I'll wait 5 years till technology catches up.
Just stumbled upon this thru ckan....I've been looking for something like this. I was almost about to write my own mod to get it as I feel some sort of loadshed type mod would be really helpful playing ksp. I work in the aerospace industry and load shedding programs are an integral part of designing, building and maintaining spacecraft. It always seemed silly and frustrating to me playing ksp and having no way to automate electrical management when going dark in eclipse only to lose sats because power failed.
[1.1] AFBW v1.7-beta (Joystick & controller mod)
Lazy8 replied to nlight's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Another xbox controller user really hoping this gets updated please -
[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021
Lazy8 replied to Starwaster's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I was having this problem as well on my new stock game I was playing around with. Started from scratch to try everything out new and I noticed that I was running out of battery juice and this was causing the capsule to flip because the built in wheels stop I guess. Not sure this relates to your prob but just something new I noticed. Can't wait for this mod to be updated as well. Thanks for all your hard work.- 5,919 replies
- reentry
- omgitsonfire
(and 1 more)
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