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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. That's funny... I didn't see an aerospace department on their website. Do you know if they have one?
  2. No, I can't answer. No comment. TUBM didn't notice I was gone.
  3. What about Kentucky State Police? I get that on Google sometimes.
  4. Did you get any Cradle of Liberty ones? They were helicopters with a purple border. I went with a different contingent. Not a big surprise that you didn't get my patches, we had 3 to trade, and the set was very expensive for us to buy.
  5. Well, I think that my SATs and ACTs are good enough. The problem is my GPA. It's not as high as I would like it to be. If you want, PM me. Well, I think that I am willing to go into aerospace now, but you raise a good point. I love history- especially military- but my belief (misguided or not, IDK) is that I should focus on my major, and any minors are a bonus. Thanks for the tips. I will be sure to factor them in. I'll try not to. It is not a factor. In fact, I can't wait to get away from my parents.
  6. Well, EMPs would obviously hurt drones. I see the future going in a kind of circle: from the start of airpower until now, and then to things like UAF (Unmanned Fighter Planes)(my acronym:)), and then to mechsuit-type planes with really complicated systems, and then back to "primitive" airplanes. Before you cry "BS!!!," consider this: the Russians used WWI biplanes in WWII to fight the Germans. Why? With their engines off, they were completely silent, and would glide over the German camps, bomb them, and then start their engines back up. These primitive planes were invisible to German radar, and unseeable against the night sky. I don't think that fabric-covered biplanes will be used again, but WWII prop-planes may make a bit of a comeback, albeit with better materials. So, the precedent is there. In the meantime, I think that the near future will see either specially-designed UFPs, or witness the conversion of current fighters into UFPs with conversion kits. The planes will have to be flown from highly dispersed, hidden, and protected bunkers, to defend against a single strike killing all the fighters.
  7. I meant shaking the turret and pointing it around at the same time. So, rocket sled and point it different directions, and put the acceleration on various parts of the structure. Once you make your sled, try attaching the turret in different ways- say with up= forward, up= left, up= backwards, up= down, etc.
  8. So the list of confirmed merit badges are: Astronomy Space Exploration Computers For the two unknown ones, I'm saying... Electricity and Electronics? Also, I was at the 2010 Jambo, too! Troop 532, sub-camp 5. The one with Teddy Roosevelt.
  9. well, it's fun to be first. I've also seen a mod once post "First!"
  10. So you're gonna do that Avenger? Nice job on the turret. have you tested it with vertical shake? or horizontal shake? Or both? Some turrets are stable in one configuration, but not in others.
  11. Welcome! I like the username.
  12. Hi Engineer! To insert an Imgur Album, type [noparse] [/noparse]looks cool!
  13. What if you talk wrong? Welcome aboard! grits teeth at spelling, typos, etc.
  14. Hi all! As I said, I have a list of 23 colleges that I am interested in. 23 is waaaaaaay too many to apply to, let alone visit in the last weeks of summer. I want to narrow it down, so that's why I'm asking for your help. Visited a college on my list? Please tell me about it in this thread! Studied at any of these colleges? What was it like? Tell me about it! Teach here? Can you tell me about your school? Have any information on these colleges? Let me know! I'm going into 12th grade. I'm interested in studying Aerospace Engineering, which most of these schools have. The rest have either Mechanical Engineering or are suggested by my parents. That's all I want to tell you about myself, for now. Rochester Institute of Technology Pennsylvania State University University of Maryland, College Park University of Georgia University of Chicago Georgia Institute of Technology Bucknell University Muhlenberg College Binghamton University University of Michigan Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Boston University California Polytechnic State University University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Case Western Reserve University George Washington University University of Toronto Washington University in St. Louis University of Virginia Syracuse University Virginia Tech Please only give me info on these colleges. And try to avoid arguing with each other! I just want info, not a flame war.
  15. Dman979


    If you're in orbit, you're halfway to anywhere. Welcome aboard! Check out the Tutorials subforum for help!
  16. Welcome! I'm very impressed by your first post. Keep up the good work for at least 10,000 more!
  17. You're from the Netherlands? Any chance you could tell me about TU Delft? Also, welcome aboard!
  18. Hi Jim! I'm Dman979, and I'm also an addict. But I've been sober for 2 or 3 months. To post a picture: 1. Create an imgur account. 2. Download any screenshots you would like to post from Steam (If you already have them, ignore this step.) 3. Go back to Imgur and upload the photos. 4. Make the photos appear on the forums! a. Insert an album find your image's album number. go to the KSP forums and type your post. insert [noparse] [/noparse] watch your album appear! b. Insert a photo Find the image you want to post highlight its URL and copy it to your clipboard type up your post and insert [noparse][/noparse] look at the pretty photo!
  19. Ahh, if only I had that problem. I only have 2 bars.
  20. Endhermen? But I don't like to murder!
  21. Astronomy, Space Ex, Computers, Weather? Also, just got back from my Philmont trek. 629-C3, Itinerary 18! Woot! All 12,441 feet of Baldy Mountain are mine, mine, MINE!
  22. Welcome! I don't have a twitch, my eyes are just fine, thank you. But it's nice of you to make your medical conditions public But back on topic- Have fun here!
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