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Everything posted by Dman979

  2. Saw this, figured you'd enjoy it.



  3. Why not both? Combine the two, and give a mission to scan the planet? Nevermind, I already suggested that.
  4. I wonder if you could write a plugin to reconfigure the biome map to spell out "Will you marry me," using one biome as the background and the others as letters? You could install that plugin and write a Making History mission to do a scan of the planet. It would be totally invisible until she sees the biome map, but I don't know if it's possible to reconfigure.
  5. First, I check the reports. Then I check my notifications. Third, I check the top-secret moderator subforum for anything I should be aware of. Then I look at the posts from new users that require approval. Finally, I browse the forums.
  6. As far as I know, it is a rule designed to make sure that users can remain recognizable. If we allowed unlimited name changes, it would get very confusing to remember who's who- not just for the moderators, but for everyone. And if Van we made a mistake, we'd fix it.
  7. This question of a moderator has been posted in the moderator-questioning thread. To expand on what Van said, we generally like to make our actions as moderators as publicly visible as possible, to avoid charges of selective moderation or bias. Of course, there are times that we don't make everything public, to avoid public shaming (think about if you've ever seen us say which posts got removed from a thread) but we still try to let users know that some action has been taken and why we had to take it. The only time we regularly don't annouce our actions is if we have to issue a warning, because those are strictly between the moderation team and the user at fault. And even in those cases, we still make sure to state to the user what conduct forced us to issue the infraction.
  8. See relevant song here. Not to put too fine a point on it, but not every blade needs to be razor sharp. Heck, even axes- the dullest sharp object- have different shapes and edges depending on if they are for limbing, splitting, or general-use.
  9. Perhaps that's the problem I'm having with my Dexter chef's. I hone it before and after every use, but it seems to get dull very quickly. I'll try putting a corser edge on it next time I sharpen it.
  10. Van isn't telling you how senior he is. Why, his social security number is 000-00-0001!
  11. I drove a 2001 Space Odyssey once. It was fun to drive, but whenever I tried to open the window a warning light would pop up on the dash. Something about not being able to do that, Dman979.
  12. Welcome aboard, @whjoyjr! I've always preferred the KSP store to Steam. With Steam, you run the risk of having the game update and wreck all your installs and mods. There's nothing wrong with MacBooks. I ran KSP on one for 3 years, and I turned out fine!
  13. Moved to Modded Tech Support. I too dislike Comic Sans, but please be friendly to new users. Besides, it could be worse.
  14. Technically, most homemade rockets are suborbital...
  15. I tried the demo first, all the way back in 2013. Then I bought the game, and the rest, as they say, is history!
  16. FWIW, KSP was first made public on the Orbiter forums. Bonus points to anyone who finds the posts!
  17. On a serious note, spoilers that cause page loading issues are a problem. Thread locked.
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