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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. If it looks less blurry, that's because we changed the prescription on your glasses. Don't worry, it's part of your yearly checkup. I don't think there was any update recently.
  2. A lot of new users want to know when their favorite mod will be updated. A section on etiquette for how to ask would be helpful.
  3. I suggest building the iceberg that sank the Titanic. 1:1250 scale.
  4. Guys, keep politics away from the forums. Some posts have been removed.
  5. Guys, posts outside of the International Subforums need to be in English. Thank you for your understanding.
  6. @Galileo, please report all the posts you see like that.
  7. Go to www.forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ to see the moderators' website.
  8. Bad move there, buddy. Every day is moderator appreciation day.
  9. Yes, that would be OK, so long as there's no roleplaying happening on the forums. If you want to post it, put it in the Lounge.
  10. If you have nominations on what you'd like to see as TOTM, please let us know, in a PM or by reporting the post and saying TOTM!
  11. I totally agree that you need mods to have fun, that's why I'm here with @Snark!
  12. Honestly, I'm not sure if it's possible to bring back, since the moderators are not the tech gurus of the forum. That would be the great and all-powerful @ManeTI.
  13. Looks like it's the mobile version of this, @a_space_oddity.
  14. Looks like there's three, to me. Can you post an image to show what you mean?
  15. Dman979


    Moved to Kerbal Network. @UmbralRaptor?
  16. To prevent abuse of the reputation system.
  17. You're repping too many posts. There's a limit of 25 every 24 hours, updated in real time.
  18. Moved to KSP Network, since this is about the forum.
  19. Moved to Spacecraft Exchange, since this is about KSP craft.
  20. Moved to Add-on Discussions.
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