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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. In the language of death, dismemberment, and destruction. Does that sound like a cute and cuddly Kerbal, or a conniving and combative Kerbulan?
  2. I know it was in that one, but I don't remember if it was in this one:
  3. There used to be a section in the Scout handbook about APO. I don't know if it's in the newest ones, though.
  4. Well, @wile1411, it looks like you can edit the one right above me, because I just took a look at it and I wasn't mentioned, and now I suddenly am! I'm honestly pretty confused about what's going on here. I have encountered the same problem, and @ManeTI is looking into it. Fingers crossed it's fixed soon. In the meantime, please feel free to sacrifice a rocket or two to the kraken on Bop.
  5. Another thread has been merged into this one. Please, guys, let's keep the discussion in one place.
  6. Let's not bug the author, OK? Story updates are never early and never late, they always arrive precisely when the author wants them to.
  7. Moved to Gameplay Questions and Tutorials. Try entering at a shallower angle, and maybe making more than one entry into the atmosphere.
  8. I merged in another thread with the same topic. Still not sure exactly what's going on here.
  9. Another thread has been merged into this one.
  10. Yeah, I'm not sure what problem you were having, @Gordon Dry, but I can't reproduce it. I'm moving this to Kerbal Network, BTW.
  11. Dman979

    I'm bored

    Some off-topic posts were removed earlier. Sorry for the delay in letting everyone know.
  12. Since this is about the Making History expansion, I've moved it to the Making History discussion.
  13. @putnamto You may not have seen this thread, but I have, so I merged them. You know you're on the forums too much when you remember threads from two years ago.
  14. Moved to Challenges and Mission Ideas. Do a barrel roll!
  15. Welcome aboard, @Jozay! That's the thing about gravity- it always brings you back. @Ho Lam Kerman there is a limit on the amount of reputation you can give per day. It's 25 now, but it used to be 5, and each on was worth five times as much. In the end it all evens out.
  16. This question about gameplay has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  17. Moved to Add-on Discussions.
  18. Well, I'll answer this question anyway. I assume you're talking about the formula for Delta-V (=Isp*g0*ln(m0/mf)). Let's break that down into it's component parts. Delta-V is the potential speed change your rocket can produce. Since most of the time a rocket is coasting, you only need to change your speed when you want to coast to a different place. Isp(also commonly seen as Isp, isp, ISP, or anything similar) is the efficiency of your rocket- how many miles-per-gallon it would get, if it were a car. We'll skip g0for now, and come back to it later. ln(m0/mf) measures what percentage of your rocket can be burned by the engines, and then takes the natural logarithm of that. m0is the total mass of your rocket at Time Zero- the current mass of the rocket, including all the fuel, tanks, piping, wires, engines, etc. mf is the final mass of your rocket. This is the same as m0, except there's no fuel left- only the tanks, piping, wires, engines, etc. Now, let's come back to g0. Normally, when you see a letter in an algebra equation, it stands for a variable- a number whose value is subject to change, depending on the conditions. This equation, though, is a physics equation. Why does that matter? Well, physics has some slightly different rules about letters in equations. In this case, g0is a constant- a number whose value does not change. And g0 isn't just any constant- it's the standard acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface. It doesn't change if you're at a different planet, since it's defined at Earth's surface: it will always be the same. So, what is the standard acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface? 9.80665 m/s2 -- also known as 9.81 m/s2. Hope this helped. Also, I'm moving this to Gameplay Questions.
  19. Dman979

    I'm bored

    Hi, Bored, I'm Dman979.
  20. So, what have we learned here? Sure, there's no harm to either Kerbulan now, but the Kerbals have crossed their Rubicon. The cat is out of the bag; they know how to hurt people intentionally- even if they haven't done it yet. The way Kenlie talks about harming Kurt and Not-Kurt is psychopathic, even a bit sadistic. He is a changed man from the one we knew. The world will never be the same.
  21. If you get more than 264, I might consider changing my mind.
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