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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. By doing something else in the meantime, like cleaning the solar panels.
  2. I like Earth, it's the only one we have.
  3. Want to send personalized messages to people who put profanity in their posts? Become a moderator!
  4. Want a personalized message from a moderator? Put profanity in your forum posts.
  5. Since you're asking about mods, I'm moving this to Add-On Discussions.
  6. Since this isn't really about a fan project, I'm moving this to the Lounge.
  7. Check your notification settings. Oh wait, you can't, because this thread is locked.
  8. Since this isn't really about technical support, I'm going to lock this thread.
  9. Roses are red, Violets are violet, I've locked this this thread, Now please all be quiet!
  10. No, we'll just doublelock it. Right now it's only singlelocked. Thread locked.
  11. Guys, please don't post political things here, or we'll need to lock this thread. Again.
  12. Yes, but you could only give out 5 then. Now you can give out 25.
  13. I don't know, I don't use mobile. @ManeTI?
  14. I'll bring this to the attention of someone who works for Squad, since I can't answer it.
  15. 267: Redundant restatements of No-No #140.
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