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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. That is very true. I had to keep so much paperwork in Scouts, and now that I'm living life, I obsessively save every receipt.
  2. What my troop does is get people to do a full walkthrough of the BoR. Sitting down, SM introduction, full battery of questions, etc. It's more stressful than the real one, and totally worth it if your SM can get one together. Even if you can't get a full BoR together, treat it like you would a job interview for your dream job. Be Prepared!
  3. If you have the chance to do a mock BoR, do it. Very very helpful.
  4. Necroposting is not against the rules. If the thread is still relevant, there's no reason why we should block people from posting there. If the thread's not relevant, the post gets reported and we lock it.
  5. No, this is more like what we do: Also,
  6. 2/10. I don't know you, and that's good for you.
  7. Sorry, that's already taken for the next TOTM.
  8. Guys, personal attacks are not allowed here. Knock it off.
  9. Thread locked for maintenance. Stand by, we'll be back shortly.
  10. I have one massive problem with what you're doing here, @UnusualAttitude. You call them courgettes, but everyone knows they're zucchini.
  11. Moved to KSP Discussion, since this is about the game. This is kind of a first for me. I've moved lots of threads from KSP Discussion to The Lounge, but this is the first I've moved from The Lounge to KSP Discussion. Congratulations!
  12. Guys, let's stay away from personal attacks, ok? Thanks.
  13. Now that's what I call a catastrophic failure! Thread locked, BTW.
  14. Dman979


    Set phasers to stun.
  15. Dman979


    S-foils to attack position.
  16. Dman979


    Rolling down to Old Maui
  17. Dman979


    Big Train and Little Train from Kalamazoo to Timbuktu.
  18. I cannot stress enough how correct @LordFerret is here. Cleaned coins are ruined coins.
  19. And submit to the obliteration of my creation's Dalmatian/Alsatian aid station? I'll just take a vacation from my moderation obligations.
  20. I am a moderator, and I feel left out. Guess I'll just have to make my own Moderation Nation conglomeration observation space station creation.
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