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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. I know de way to lok dis! No clicking!
  2. Well, part of the issue is that the forums don't use BBCode anymore, it's a WYSIWYG editor.
  3. Pretty soon, we'll have to change your name to IKnowAnyThing!
  4. Congrats! That's even longer than me! Here's to 4 more!
  5. Just so you know, we did see your post and are discussing potential ways to remove the number of stickies. Suggestions are welcome!
  6. We will make him show up! @Dman979, help us!
  7. Who dares disturb my slumber? @Snark we must fight!
  8. For clarity's sake, it's best to put it in a file on its own. As for this thread, something like "This mod is licensed CC BY-NC-ND 3.0" (or any other appropriate license you chose) would be fine.
  9. Hi, @EricPoehlsen! I don't think we've met yet! One thing important to remember is that the forum requires a license included with all mods, and also mentioned in the OP, too. Can you please add one? You can find the full list of add on posting rules here. It's a very cool looking mod, I look forward to seeing more development!
  10. Moved to Mission Reports. Nice stuff, daredevil!
  11. 1 in 7 of the words here is misspelled. Sure, I'd like to see the 2018 one!
  12. Yeah, but it's just a typo in your post. The images look amazing, as always.
  13. @Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut If you want something of yours removed, click the "report post" button to let us know, and include something like "please remove." We'll do our best to help.
  14. Locked at OP request. If you would like your own thread locked, please report it by hitting the "report post" button, or by posting in the "Need your thread locked or moved" thread. PMing a moderator or two is unlikely to get quick results, as we're spread all over the globe, so the ones you PM might be asleep. By making it visible to all the moderators, you'll get a faster reply.
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