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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Ok, here's the deal: Stay active on the forums for a while, be helpful to other community members, keep a clean infraction record, display unflappability, and pay Badie $1000, and you've got a shot at being a moderator.
  2. Moved to Kerbal Network, as it's about the forum. I have a few people I'm close to on the forum, but in the interests of moderator impartiality I don't think it's wise for me to name them.
  3. That's an awesome profile pic! I know a guy who's got one just like it!


    1. TheDog


      Yours looks very nice, too!

  4. It should be possible to configure the setup that way, yes. I don't know for certain, though.
  5. That's wrong. Coherent, cognizant reason #1 Coherent, cognizant reason #2 Coherent, cognizant reason #3 Response summarizing the reasons it's wrong Ad hominim parting shot on OP's chart-making skills
  6. In summation- throw enough bodies at any problem, and eventually one will stick.
  7. I can't say this enough- NOMINATE THEM! We can only see a limited amount of threads on our own, so just like reporting, nominating a thread for TOTM brings things to our attention that we would have otherwise missed. We've never gotten a bad suggestion!
  8. Due to offensive comments about @Vanamonde, I've been forced to lock the thread. Continued harassment will be met with swift justice.
  9. There once was a Kerb from Nantucket, Who put propane in a bucket, As he lit a fire, The pressure grew higher, And the bucket turned into a rocket!
  10. @Col. Kernel It looks to me like the only power source you have is from the engines. Is that correct? Do you have batteries, solar panels, or an RTG?
  11. Do you have enough Electric Charge? Pictures of the ship will help, along with a KSP log file, if you have one. Just upload it to a site like Dropbox and link the download here.
  12. Dman979


    @Ten Key hit the nail right on the head. Once you've got 5 posts, you're free to post as you wish. For the record, posts in Forum Games don't count towards your post count. If you post 3 there, and 2 in KSP Discussion, you'll still need 3 more posts outside of Forum Games to get out of the approval queue.
  13. The thread has been moved to the Lounge, as it's about Squad, not the KSP game itself. I too hope that everyone in Mexico City is OK, especially since this is the second quake in a month.
  14. Also quite fitting for a Kerbal who has gotten fed up with being bricked into a science compartment: Farewell to your bricks and mortar, Farewell to your dirty lies! Farewell to your gangways and your gangplanks And to hell with your overtime.... Really enjoying this, and I'm doubly glad that you're back.
  15. Like Galileo said, there's never been a delete button for regular users, as it had the potential for abuse by trolls. If you want a post of yours deleted, just report it like you said above. We're usually pretty responsive.
  16. Guys, just to clarify: Decompiling KSP is against the EULA. This means that @kremonia's company would be in legal hot water pretty much immediately. Sorry to bust your bubble.
  17. BARIS and the Boffins- an explosion every episode, or your money back! Looking forward to this.
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