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  1. From the dev notes since 1.2, I think the super-secret project is probably just another merchandise tie-in and nothing at all to do with the game, as the efforts of the team have been almost entirely consumed by the localisation work.
  2. Brilliant! Thank you so much. This is one of those mods you don't realise how much you need till it's gone.
  3. Serbian specifically asked for a Module Manager recompile for 1.2 to be taken down as he is not working on Mods while it's still in pre-release. There are also no development builds since the 5th.
  4. This. The only other game I've spent anywhere near as much time with is Minecraft and the most fun with that game is starting a new world and exploring.
  5. Also as there is no drm with KSP you could always make a new install elsewhere for playing and just have your Steam copy as a master install. This means you can have different mod sets for different installs and never worry about a Steam update messing with your game.
  6. In the first line you have an extra square bracket at the end. Are you looking to have functions unlock at different times for career mode? because if not you could delete everything after name=MechJebCore
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/49950-112-void-0191a-vessel-orbital-informational-display/ This is another option with even less screen real estate used for the display. Edit: Also if you like your sims and want to KSP in IVA you could use this mod to give interiors an actual MFD. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105821-112-rasterpropmonitor-still-putting-the-a-in-iva-v0260-30-april-2016/
  8. When 1.1 first landed you could select Kerbil in your games library and in the right click menu, under properties I think? You could select to roll back to the last stable version which was 1.0.5 but with there being 2 patches since I'm not sure what the last version is now. Do you copy your steam install to a different directory for play or just have the one, because you can have as many different installs as you like. Edit : As for file sharing, I think that is prohibited.
  9. I play on a 55" 4k TV and I'm only 2 meters away, and the font size is a real problem. You can increase the UI scale to 200% in the settings.cfg file in the KSP root folder. Change the line UI_SCALE = 1.2 to UI_SCALE = 2.0. There is however a problem with this in that any scaling above the max 120% (1.2) affects the info bar at the top centre of the screen when at the K.S.C (the one that displays Funds / Rep / Science). Scaling to 130 or 140% means the rep is not shown at all and any scaling above 150% removes the bar completely so you cannot see how much Funds / Rep / Science you have when at the K.S.C. The Funds display in the V.A.B/S.P.H still work and the Toolbar App display of Funds / Rep / Science in the flight scene still works fine however. I know it's not ideal but you can at least read what's on the screen. EDIT:- I also use Sarbian's great MakeItSmall mode to adjust the flight UI because 200% scaling makes it ridiculously big. The best would be for Squad to make UI and text scaling separate options, but given what they have on their plate already I don't see that happening any time soon.
  10. Just checked and they're still broken (for me), also Navball texture is not replaced.
  11. So it should go live at the same time as Fallout 4. Ahh well, maybe 1.1 will be enough to drag back.
  12. Since (according to CKAN) I'm already running 76 mods, the only thing left that I want to add is OPM. That said I will definitely be upgrading all the textures for EVE and Interstellar to 8k, and I'll be able to stop using -forceopengl so no more missing shadows. I'll still prune the tanks and wings though just because for the most part they really are pointless clutter.
  13. Is there any way to get this to work with Vens Stock Revamp? There is no option to open the window shutters (also the flag decal is a plain grey square).
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