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Posts posted by Wolves_Hero

  1. I got ton of ores & fuels but have no MaterialKits & no SpecializedParts can't start build new rocket, I can't find converter from ore to MaterialKits & SpecializedParts.
     Part Printer and Replicator converters none worked on v1.11.1

  2. On 2/3/2021 at 4:58 AM, Starstrider42 said:


    Custom Asteroids defines its asteroids/comets in text files in the KSP directory. The default files in GameData/CustomAsteroids/config are all designed for the stock system, so for a total conversion mod like Beyond Home I'd expect them to produce nothing but error messages. You'll probably want to delete them (or move them somewhere outside the KSP directory if you want to keep them as examples).

    I've provided some instructions for what the asteroid config files should look like, so I suggest starting there. I realize the instructions are a bit poorly organized; rewriting them to be clearer and easier to navigate is getting close to the top of my to-do list. I hope they help in the meantime.

    Worked now just spawn, but look huge asteroids on size A tiny is weird how change size.

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