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Posts posted by Wolves_Hero

  1. Do you have tweakscale installed? it interacts with one of the modules interstellar runs on intakes (I think). Come to think of it, Has anyone tried removing tweakscale from all intakes and seeing if that fixes the issue? (it should - otherwise every part would do that glitchy thing (I think)).

    Now I found in tweakscale folder easy edit CFG deleted all air intake from tweakscale worked well. I think Tweakscale + Interstaller air intake bug.

  2. Ok, one sleepless night and port is ready...

    0.90 KSP Interstellar port


    DL link:




    Interstellar mode and ORS plugin - https://github.com/Boris-Barboris/KSPInterstellar/tree/update_0_90

    Updated TechManager - https://github.com/Boris-Barboris/TechManager

    Changes from the latest FractalUK Release:

    Version 0.13.1

    -Microvawe network behaviour is now more stable, as is it's performance

    -Adapted Interstellar mod and TechManager for KSP version 0.90

    -Nothing's changed in gameplay, it's adaptation and bugfix release.

    Known bugs:

    -Mk3 cargo bay and flat radiator .tga textures sometimes don't load right (you get pure white color instead). I've seen a couple of posts reporting this, but at the moment i don't know the exact cause.

    -first load of new science tree will probably fail. Description - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-25-KSP-Interstellar-%28Magnetic-Nozzles-ISRU-Revamp%29-Version-0-13?p=1627181&viewfull=1#post1627181

    Feel free to report bugs here or on github, if i'll have some spare time i'll try to fix them.

    Nice update but all air intake bug still there, air intake can't connection parts when mirror mode & I click launch all opened no land just black hole. Still can't fly plane without air intake. Rocket with reactor still ok.



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