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Everything posted by Willbl3pic

  1. I win. Locking. This is spam. Someone eat it. But don\'t eat the lock I locked it with. Joking =P
  2. The Missiles needed to be to balance it out. Without the plane would have just fallen over. I tried adding 4 adv sas but nope.
  3. I don\'t know but why isn\'t it flashing? I put it as a gif. I hope I didn\'t put you on your angry side. :sos:
  4. Winners of the best worst rocket awards 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011, and now *Drum roll* [glow=red,2,300]2012!!!!![/glow] I give you... THE WORST SHIPS EVER!!!They\'re actually quite good. HERE THEY ARE!!! The Defender 189!!! NOTE: NEEDS C7 FLIGHT PACK THE PODRACER! NOTE:NEEDS C7 FLIGHT PACK AND DOESN\'T LOOK THAT LIKE A PODRACER. With just two more tanks though, this could get you to the mun! More coming soon... ANYTHING LISTED UNDER HERE COMING SOON The Kerbject! NOTE: NEEDS FLYING KERBANAUTS AND WOBBLY ROCKETS
  5. Does this forum support BBCode? Hang On.. Red text?
  6. Willbl3pic


    Hi! Rocketmaster here! I\'ve been looking at KSP since version 8, been playing since version 10, and finally bothered to make an account at 13.1! 8) Right.. so I\'ll be around The Spacecraft Exchange and whatever that addon forum is called. Rocketmaster out.
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