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Everything posted by Willbl3pic

  1. If someone asks whether you have too many replikes, answer cheese! Then they will know that you are sane! (I was trying to think up something vaguely funny involving cheese, not-kurt, and replikes. This was the best I've got ) EDIT: Is the thing missing from the cruiser propulsion? (EDITAGAIN:nope)
  2. He already said that his issue was solved. Now I probably shouldn't have hijacked the thread, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Besides, it's probably just Unity 4. I'll just wait for 1.1.
  4. i use 64 bit, and i have tried 32bit in the past but it seemed worse. I also just tried lowering delta time to 0.01. It increased my fps from 7-12 up to 12-20, more than i thought it would. However, looking at how it uses up 100% of one core and only 8% of a second, i think i might just have to wait for 1.1's multithreaded physics, allowing me to hopefully use more cores.
  5. I have my drivers on the latest version. It only happens on KSP, most other games have pretty high fps. I can't dxdiag unfortunately, I'm on linux. My delta time is set to 0.04. I might try decreasing it. During a quick flight of the Kerbal 2, my fps was around 7-12 and KSP was using about 108% CPU (as in 100% of one core and 8% of another core) and around 45% of my RAM. Thanks for asking.
  6. I have this same problem too, with a 6-core 3.4ghz CPU and 8GB of ram, and a Radeon r9 360X... no idea why, but I've always got around 7 fps.
  7. My most recent career... I made a mun flyby thing with excessive dV. Then I accidentally staged during the trans-munar injection, so I wasn't able to turn the engine off. It pushed Jeb, Val and Bob out into solar orbit. I tried to get them to get out and go back to kerbin with jetpacks, but not enough fuel
  8. Hi! I joined in 2011. I've been playing since v0.08, but on my friend's computer. Only once v0.10 came out was I able to play on my macbook.
  9. You might have to set up some relay satellites in case Kerbin goes behind Kerbol, or there goes your science transmitting!
  10. I just thought of something. Wouldn't Bill be able to see the Kerbulan ships on his kPad when he looks at the save?
  11. I just realised that in a way, the monoliths are the players. They do all of the quicksaving and hyperediting and stuff, and control the existence. @Kuzzter's monolith is @Kuzzter himself, in a way.
  12. 0.000000002087676. 0.000000002087676*783412313
  13. Wow, this thread is old. I remember when it was new. /offtopic Granted, but it is a rip off thing that breaks. Sorry. I wish for this wish to not have any wishes.
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