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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. Also, the laws of physics in a beta are only temporary
  2. kn makes sense, and so far, I haven't seen an engine with the same amount of thrust as the Saturn V S-IC stage, however, the use of multiple engine designs, that can probable be obtained. 33,400 kN! Also, I forgot about weight. We'll go with kilo grams then? Not too sure about that as I don't remember the numbers being that high for the heavier parts I have. ADDITIONAL: So I looked at the wiki, and the weight measurements seem all wrong. On the 1 meter large fuel tank, it only weighs 2.25kg when full? That's only 4.96 pounds, and I can safely lift way more than that. I doubt in real life, I'd be able to lift that much fuel by myself. So, they say kilograms, but the measurements just do not seem proper. I think Pakled alluded to that already, but I'm just flabergasted x3
  3. This has been bugging me, but what are all the units for measurement used in KSP? I know what speed is (says it right there), and height, and diameter of rockets (though that seems slightly implied, but works all the same). What about the thrust for our engines? pounds, newtons, so on and so forth? I'm also now wondering how many times this has been posted >_>
  4. So after doing some rocket launches, I find the 5m fuel and matriarch combo to not be as pleasant as going with a 3m counterpart. I'm using the bigger of the 3m engines (forget it's name for the moment, but not the little mother) and 2 3m fuel tanks with four or 8 of the 1000 thrust SRB's for extra boost. Using 8 of the srbs means mechjeb will throttle down the 3m engine all the way until booster separation time, saving me gas <3 I even went as far as boosting the thrust on the Matriarch to 5000 from it's 3000. I'll have to do another trial to see when my first stages burnout to see if the matriarch 5000 is indeed better. What I do know is that the Matriarch with 1 5m fuel tank burns almost twice as long as the largest 3m engine with a 3m fuel tank. Had to turn down the heat from the matriarch to do that test. Was simply a strap the rockets to the ground test. Also, did some research, and the Saturn V S-IVC and S-II stages (stage 1 and 2) are 10 meters. Will we get to that? xD I think there's a mod that takes the VAB height limitation away, and the VAB as well so you can build as tall as you like, but then of course, stability becomes a problem. Heavy struts ftw? x3
  5. As long as none of the parts for the space stations are deleted, then no. Backup your saves just to be sure.
  6. What is the problem? Chutes not deploying? Check your staging, and if you have that heat shield mod/plugin, don't activate the chutes till speed is roughly around 300 to 200 m/s. Are your chutes deploying, then falling off? Make sure they don't have to support too much (just the command pod will do). Otherwise, please inform us
  7. Okay, so, managed to get the VA to work. What I did was make a new fresh KSP install, and then put the VA in there first. The decoupler worked, however the two rockets not shutting off is still a problem. I installed all of my mods, and the decoupler still works. So, I have no idea what happened.
  8. Is there a special button I should press? And by work, I mean decouple, not the little animation. Do I have to go into the part.cfg and make it a decoupler?
  9. Don't know if this is a touchy subject or not, but On the VA, the lower decoupler, does it actually decouple, or is that functionality to-be-added at a later date? I installed the plugins in the VA pack as well as the VA parts into the parts folder. As far as I can tell, it's not my fault. Also, on the top boosters, they engage like they should, but when they are spent, the sound and particle system doesn't stop for two of the boosters. When the nose separates, it doesn't start flipping or anything as if there were thrust, it just separates like it should. I pretty much did a LES testing rocket, and found this problem. I don't have the particle effects in the VAB for some of the other engines, so like I said, the plugins are installed correctly.
  10. Okay, so the last message either of them posted was on 15th August 2012, 20:34 by Kyle. Kinda get the feeling that they went to college, though I'm sure they would have had the time to say something to us D: Not knowing what they are doing is killer! >.< On a side note, at least the larger SRB's will angle their engines into the main rocket after release. Basically, they go from | I | (I is the main rocket) to \I/. They often hit the engine down there, and blow it up. I did use tiny SRB's to either blow the KW boosters to the side, or to have them keep going up as they move away. It's a cool method to fix the "SRB's want to kill me" problem (in fact, I think nasa uses something like that, could be mistaken), but often times, it sends my main rocket spinning (mech jeb recovers, but is still problem). I've switched over to using Novapunch as my main parts, and using KW for engines and Payload Fairings (nice and smooth shape <3). I managed to use KW pack's Multi Engine Tanks thanks to struts for stability. It's interesting to note that KW's small 2 meter fuel tank has a lower fuel per weight ratio than Novapunch's version. Also, I wonder if Kyle and Winston will make 5 meter versions of everything. The Orion Spacecraft is roughly 5 meters in diameter, soooo... I'm not sure if Real Life meter = Kerbal meter xD Oh, and KW pack with Nova punch parts got me to the mun back in .16 for my first time ever, so I'm not going to give these guys up till they say they're done. :3
  11. I can't seem to find the Matriarch engine in the parts folder. It's there of course in game, but I don't know what the folder name is.
  12. Hi, I'm Deltac. You can call me tac or del. I would also go by Deltaco, but I'm sure Del Taco would sue So, I'm not new, but I'm posting more, so I decided I would introduce meself. I started playing KSP back during 13.0. Even back then, I couldn't work with Vanilla x3 I had to get some mods to make beautiful looking rockets. Now I'm hooked on Mech Jeb, Novapunch remix, and KW pack. I also like the Deep Space Mission pack (2 nuclear reactors and a modified 350 thrust ion engine means I never need to worry about fuel again x3) I am looking forward to docking the most. I would love to build a space craft in space, and send it out to the sun. Where else am I going to throw the trash away? I like the color green, short tank rides on the beach (if we manage to get on the beach), and ruling the world. So yeah, hi o:
  13. I actually like that probe design, also ADVENTURE TIME! :3
  14. I grew up with Star Wars, but after I got a DVR, I started watching TNG and Voyager reruns. Also have TOS season 1 and 2 on DVD. Seen all the movies (again, thank you DVR). Gotta say, I fell in love with Star Trek. I even bought Star Trek Online back in the day x3 (Free to play now O:) I haven't watched Deep Space 9, Seen most of Enterprise (LOVE IT), Seen most of TNG and Voyager (love the ending to voyager, made me tear up), Seen most of TOS, only one ep of the animated series (tibbles). So, I'm in love with Star Trek and Star Wars. May the stars be with you :3
  15. Company of Heroes 2, Metro Last Light, HALF-LIFE 3 ;~;, Black Ops 2 looks interesting, but it's not on the top of the list. Crysis 3, cause I want to end the story already D: Oh, and I'm looking forward to December 12th, 2012 Either we get to laugh, or I won't have to worry about getting a job xD
  16. Well, whenever we get this up and running, we should head to Charon real quick, see if it has a Mass Relay in it, and if not, this is my favorite store on the Citadel. Anyway, 10 lightyears in 1 year, that would be a huge jump when this is up and running. Also, would a Fusion reactor work? Probably will need superconductors to store a ton of energy. While we're at that, might as well make a ring of superconducting material with 9 Chevrons, and an inner ring with symbols to make a wormhole to other rings around the galaxy. ANYWAY, not sure about the science behind this. I mean if it's pure unadulterated power they want, a mini-star would be nice :3 Course, we shouldn't say no to exotic matter, either. Might be able to solve the unifying theory, and build replicators with it. Replicators from Star Trek, not stargate >_>;
  17. I tend to have a problem piloting the shuttles in atmo. More accurately, turning is a beech. I haven't really messed around with the space planes, so I know it must be me. Got any tips for me?
  18. This has been like this since the beginning, or some time near the beginning. There have been mods that add stack decoups with shrouds, so try looking for those. Don\'t know why the creators diden\'t do that in the first place though. Beautiful rockets ftw o.o
  19. 1/10 I\'ve seen too much derpy. Doesn\'t mean I hate her, just means I\'m tired of people using her D: .... wait.. wat
  20. I bet a giant alien robotic life form will smash the rover. OH WAIT THAT WAS IN TRANSFORMERS OOPS. But no, seriously, such a whacky design xD And all because they wanted to keep dust off of the rover. I hope when man missions are started, we get some dune buggies up there. We should also activate the giant alien reactor to melt the glacier underneath the great pyramid mountain so we can up the pressure and get some oxygen OH WAIT THAT WAS IN TOTAL RECALL ORIGINAL, WHOOPS. : D
  21. Oh geez, my friend plays this, and one time on a server he was on, he blew up a tunnel or something in order to kill the enemy team. All of them. He was instantly banned, and a day later the server owner contacted him and said 'good job.'
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