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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. If he gave us the craft file, you'd just have to load it up in the VAB anyway, so build it yourself. I'm pretty sure that's what Bobcat will say.
  2. The center of gravity for the main modules (engine+fuel tanks) are that far down so as to give more stability. Absolution, the mod creator, doesn't like struts I guess.
  3. AHEM. Sorry, got a toad in my throat. Anyway, the other thread that had the latest version link in it (the latest version is on space port, and of course, fixes everywhere on the forums for .20) was consumed by the April purge. The April purge was when the forums went down due to a lot of somethings, and the forum managers hadn't actually been keeping good backups of the forums, or they got corrupted by something else. The managers were forced to use an october 2012 backup as it was the cleanest. Unfortunately, people lost accounts, and threads were wiped away. This included the newest KW thread. Now to inspire hope for people: Kyle and Winston (why do you think it's called KW pack?) have gone on Hiatus before. Right before the .18 update, they were no where to be seen (I even complained about this back then on this very thread, though I think the post was purged). After the .18 update, Kyle and Winston suddenly appeared with a completely new update on the KW pack that they had been working on without putting out a lot of news. The even updated it a few times before going on Hiatus once again. The last thing we heard from them is they were updating the Ceres craft (seen on first page of this thread, though that isn't the updated version of course). Since the .20 update just came out, K and W might be working on a release as we speak, and will get to us once complete. Now to drive that hope away: There is always the possibility that they have decided to give up on KSP due to: -KSP not being optimized* -Real Life Problems (so pesky this Real Life thing) -Computer melt downs leading to loss of data. -The FBI finally caught up with them. *Of course I know KSP is only in Alpha, but K and W might not want to constantly update something over and over again.
  4. I am not sad to see the explosive launch clamps to go. Was kinda weird you forced a bug fix for a bug that not everyone got. Then again, I don't understand KSP one bit as some things work for most people, but there's a lucky few like me that finds a bug that shouldn't exist.
  5. I think you can fix this issue yourself. Under the KSP directory, you no longer put plugins into the plugin folder. Instead you go into GameData > make a folder called Crew Manifest, or whatever you want > and then make a plugins folder there. If that doesn't fix it, then I have no idea what the guys behind MechJeb did
  6. You can go into each part.cfg file for each part and surround whats there with a PART{ } It'll look like this PART{ stuff that was already there } Then you'll need to move each part into it's proper category under GameData > Make a new folder called NovaPunch > Make a new folder called Parts > And then copy the folder layout for what's under Squad. Everything is different now. Explore!
  7. Okay, so your processor is older than mine, and your graphics card is older than mine... and yet in your videos, you barely lag. When I have a full on Mir station with Progress, a soyuz, and the Buran on it, I only get 15 fps. I have a feeling this is because AMD is being a little beetch and has all of it's stuff saying "NOPE" to anything that's not AMD.
  8. What's your processor? It's important to me, but dunno about everyone else. I get this same error when launching the Buran with the Mir Core after coming out of a rails warp (the warp that stops rotations and goes way beyond x4). It means something has gone terribly terribly wrong with PhysX (I think). I have no idea what the exact problem is, but what ends up happening for me is the Mir core detaches from it's docking port which is attached to the Buran, and the core loses it's velocity. The only way I know how to fix it is to get Bobcat's computer. Oh, there's a question. Bobcat, what is your computer? CPU, GPU, Motherboard, Ram, and anything else that has an effect on the KSP physX. Currently, my Processor is an AMD PhenomII X4 955 and motherboard is an Asus M4A77TD, however, I have a new Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 970 on it's way so I can use this AMD FX-6300 black edition processor. Dang it UPS, hurry it up but don't get into accidents!
  9. Just to clear the air, everyone does know that the Constellation program was going to the moon first, right? There's more stuff about that than there is about the mission to Mars. If everyone knows this, then don't mind those sentences. I SAID DON'T MIND THEM. Anyway, I've managed to work a way to use the Buran with the Mir modules on my computer. Don't warp it. Yep, I'm stuck with the 4x physics warp instead if I want to use the Buran to orbit a Mir module. However, I've gained some experience on how to rendezvous with the Mir station during my trials. Instead of waiting 3 hours, I can make sure it's below an hour. I have Mir at a 150x150 orbit (or close enough), and I launch the vehicles into a 80km orbit, then set up for rendezvous. I also found out that the Kliper can't dock where I have it due to its wings hitting the Mir modules xP And yes, those are quantum struts you see.
  10. alright, looks like my new setup will be CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor Motherboard: Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 660ti Ram: 16gb I suppose with this, my next step will be getting a solid state drive But I won't worry about that till maybe next year or so. Or if my hard drive says nope and dies xD
  11. Now I'm undecided xD So this new set up, will it be better than the AMD Phenom II X6 1075T with my current motherboard? Trying to get more bang for my buck
  12. The problem with Kyle and Winston is they disappear from the face of KSP for months on end, then pop up unexpectedly. Quite annoying.
  13. That does say AM3, however amazon suggested a newer version http://www.amazon.com/AMD-FX-8150-Edition-Processor-FD8150FRGUBOX/dp/B005UBNLFK/ref=dp_ob_title_ce Is AM3 + backwards compatible? Or does the + even matter?
  14. At the moment, my budget is supposed to be 0, but I think I can get away with a $200 (USD) CPU. I found what you suggested on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/AMD-Phenom-Thuban-Six-Core-Processor/dp/B0041G50LI Couldn't find it on Newegg, though. Anyone else have an opinion?
  15. Just my luck! I was hoping to ask about upgrading my computer, and this thread suddenly appeared. So here's my current rig: CPU: AMD PhenomII X4 955 quad core 3.2ghz GPU: Geforce GTX 660Ti MotherBoard: Asus M4A77TD Ram: 16gb 4x4. Hard Drive Disk: 700gb Power supply: 700W Currently, my processor seems to be my bottleneck. I've tried using AMD overdrive to overclock it, but I can only get to 3.5ghz without bsod... and then amd overdrive doesn't keep the settings when I hibernate my computer. Anyway, I want to upgrade to an i7 or an AMD equivalent. Now I don't know if my motherboard can take it, or if I need to upgrade my power supply. I'm going to assume this Asus board could take an i7 and function without some sort of error (such as a fire), but I don't know if I need to up the watts. Reasons why I say my CPU is my bottleneck: Planetside 2, hit alt + F, brings up FPS count and why it's being limited, and most of the time it says CPU (during frame drops, not during no activity ). Second Life (which I haven't actually played since December of last year), after getting the GTX 660Ti (around August mind you, so there was a gap between getting this card and leaving SL), performance increase was only minor compared to my friend who had an i7 and the next step down in graphics card. He got 40fps constantly, I only got 40fps if no one was around. Yes I know, I haven't played SL in quite some time, but I haven't made any changes to my computer since then, so assumptions that I would get the same performance issues will be kept the same. Hell, in this time I've been gone, I highly doubt Linden Labs has made any sort of optimization to SL.
  16. They change the Kerbal's characteristics of course. Then again, if you're not seeing any difference with your kerbals when you change their settings, then that's a bug I suppose.
  17. Bac9, please tell me you've at least heard of Metro 2033. The books, the games, whichever! "If it's hostile, you kill it." ~Hunter
  18. Not integrated, but it can be done. Just strap a few bears onto it, fill them up with salmon, and you're good to go.
  19. Look at the attachment rules, and change a 0 to 1 (hopefully the comment about what each number stands for is still in these configs, if not, look at other configs, or go to the wiki). Then you have to add a new node for attachment. This is the node you need, but from the Big Orange stock tank node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 I think all you need to do is mess with the first 3 numbers to get it positioned just right. Also, this is when having a second install of KSP with no other mods installed comes in handy. Load times
  20. In reality, the Falcon 9 Heavy will be using the Falcon 9 1.1 cores, and not the square core. In KSP, Borkland didn't add that stuff because he didn't feel like it at the time. You can edit the configs to add radial attachment, but you're going to have to some experimentation to get everything attached just right.
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