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Richy teh space man

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Everything posted by Richy teh space man

  1. Were you flying low to the pole? If so you probably just need to go a little higher where the air is thinner.
  2. One thing I can suggest for the future, after finding bugs on my Moho rover mission, is always and ALWAYS test your long range rovers on the nearby bodies in the Kerbin system. Inevitably you'll find things that need correcting and adjusting there. Alternatively, if you can live with yourself for doing so, use Hyperedit to put a rover lander in the Ike system. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37756-1-0-HyperEdit-v1-4-1-May-14-2015-Teleporter-Orbit-Planet-Editor-More And just pretend that its the original one you sent and you fixed the bugs before you sent it.
  3. Staring into the abyss that is.. Moho Canyon Do I boot it through the entire canyon or head out to the next biome? Decisions..
  4. Managed to explode after reaching the South Pole of Moho due to over heating, even though I'd been moving out of the sunshine.. Good job my last save wasn't too long ago Edit: At least my Kerbals are enjoying its unusual properties:
  5. Oh well, it'll be a flag planting opportunity if nothing else..
  6. Switched rovers and resumed driving across the Mohonian surface, aiming to collect all the science there is. Parked here at the SW lowlands, looking towards the crater inside of it Next stop, the South Pole and any moholes there are there.
  7. I prefer the whole planning and building aspect of KSP, by the time I get to my destination I'm usually think ahead for my next mission.
  8. I've found interplanetary aerocapturing to be a great way of doing fireworks, but seriously its a lot more realistic and will take some redesigns to be able to do it for me. For less experienced players, I think it will be another learning curve if they plan to do aerocaptures. Edit: Wow I didn't realise how broken the Jool aerobrake is, even going from a 201km x 199km means certain death for the vessels that I've been testing so far.
  9. I'm going to wager an Armageddon style mission.. divert a planet killing asteroid mod.
  10. I'm pretty much the same too. Just waiting for them to announce okay, no more tweaking the atmosphere and heating before I get back into playing it.
  11. I think that after going into the full version of the game, ie 1.0, save breaking and changing how craft perform in and out of atmosphere shouldn't be taking place. I'd be okay with this if this was KSP 0.91.4, but it's frustrating having to relearn how crafts work every other update. At this point I'm wondering if there's any point to even playing, since 1.05 may break them again.. Please Squad just pick an aerodynamic and heating model and stick with it, constant changes to it are off putting.
  12. I'm finding these new heat effect mechanics to be a pain, most of the craft I had built for 1.02 now explode on re entry, even with shallower descent angles. I'm finding it off putting all these changes to the atmosphere that keep happening, just wish Squad would pick one model and stick with it rather than changing it every other update..
  13. Sometimes if they bump their head or get out their pod at a weird angle that can send them tumbling off into space out of control.
  14. All landed at Moho and ready for exploring. Driving across the planet and researching all the biomes is going to take some time though..
  15. I think quite a few planets and moons are in need of further developing, so that they come closer to the same kind of standard. The inner planets feel fairly complete in terms of terrain and biomes to explore (one or two more biomes on Eve wouldn't hurt though). The other minor planets, Dres and Eeloo are also good in terms of surface features and biomes to explore. Duna needs more work such as more Mars like features with additional biomes. As it is in its present state it feels a bit underwhelming (particularly as it's likely to be the first target for newer players to explore). Ike could probably do with some procedural craters on it, but is otherwise good in terms of biomes. The Joolian system needs more biomes and craters too. Maybe we'll see something in 1.2, after all the unity work is done..
  16. Well after searching for it in game and outside the game, it would seem that this biome does not exist to be found. If anyone can prove me wrong feel free to do so..
  17. Thanks for the reply Geschosskopf. I suspect the Crescent Bay maybe a wild goose chase but I'm still going to have a look for it. Btw, Duna has a craters biome
  18. Has anyone actually found this biome? I'm about to do a survey of Laythe and want to know roughly where I should be looking, biome borders maybe? Any info would be appreciated..
  19. Busy day, firstly I took this little birdy out on a trip around Kerbin to gather science: Then decided to go big on the rocket department to get something that can move serious cargo into space: It's currently lifting a deep space freighter into space with this launch. One of if not the biggest craft I've ever built in terms of sheer weight, weighs over 2,500 tons in total.
  20. I've noticed the nose mounted electric engine runs hot at higher altitudes, such as around 18km up on Kerbin. They overheat and cause parts around them to heat up quickly as well. Seems to work fine at lower altitudes though. Running at low throttle seems to work at high altitude, am I doing something wrong? Edit: They're mounted onto small inline reaction wheels and it seems to be these that are overheating.
  21. I find when the nan bug hits if you alt f4 out and then reload the game your craft is usually okay. So long as your last save isn't too far back it's not that frustrating to deal with.
  22. Try moving the camera around a bit, sometimes it works when you look at it from a different angle, like 90 degrees to the place where you want them to go.
  23. Time warping with them more then physics warp can would make it tolerable.. Yeah fair play. I do agree taking off from a planet with them is op but I also find burns with them at present to be lengthy. I usually let them burn and alt tab out of game when going interplanetary.
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