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Everything posted by benjaminlawrence27

  1. A point to remember here is that even though we know a great deal about how planetary systems form, they still surprise us, and we don't really know why they are like they are in every situation. Plus it's whatever - I can crash into a moon with a liquid surface whether it's frozen over or not.
  2. Puns are awful I concur though. I think some people took the wrong impression and thought I was against mining being in the game - I\'m not, I\'m just against the idea of mining for money to buy more parts for my spaceship. After all, its a space program, not the US government (Bad joke but I like to be critical.)
  3. I knew someone would bring up Avatar, and using mining, specifically for \'ultra rare interstellar resources\' as an economic incentive for space travel. Science Nerd Away! http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/stellartrade.php
  4. Most definitely it would be useful, Candre, particularly in real life. But in KSP our parts already come from nowhere, so why should they come from somewhere when we\'re building ships in space? As I said previously, I\'m for mining in the game... eventually. It just confused me that so many people seem to consider it a \'must have\' feature for KSP, particularly in the sense of trade and economics.
  5. I understand, Skunky, I just think its curious that so many people want a feature like mining, generally in the context of selling what you mine, etc. I always imagined that if mining were put into KSP it would be something along the lines of mining water from wherever to be used as propellent, there by allowing me to launch my kernels even farther from their home with no intention of bringing them back whatsoever.
  6. I was just browsing through the suggestions section of the forum, and something I noticed is that one of the big features nearly everyone is waiting for (with varied levels of anticipation) is the ability to eventually mine resources from asteroids and other celestial bodies. While I too am for the idea, I\'m wondering why everyone seems to be excited for it, namely because: A: It won\'t be that exciting. Don\'t get me wrong, anything to do with space trips my trigger, but there are reasons real-life companies like Planetary Resources plan to use near fully-automated systems to harvest asteroids. B. Unlike what practically all space games (EVE online comes to mind), there is a lot more to do in space than poke rocks for minerals all day, namely scientific research. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
  7. I always imagined the average KSP ground control crew conversation being something like this: (Warning - language) 'Fuck it dude, let\'s go bowling.'
  8. I would make the airlock it\'s own separate module, since realistically there would need to be a sealed container for pressurization etc.
  9. You crazy kids and your flying fortresses.
  10. My word. (I\'m not sure what word, but you can insert your own if you like) This looks fantastic. I will be ecstatic the day this is released and I can play with it. Incredible!
  11. To upload images on the forum, you first have to upload them to a image hosting website (example: photo bucket). Then you can copy and paste the code onto your post.
  12. Redownloaded KSP today, and for some reason it\'s much more stable than it was before (I have no idea why but it\'s great). Anyway, the first thing I did was download this pack and Sarkun\'s plugin pack so I could make an interplanetary craft. Discovery I (don\'t ask me how many ship\'s I\'ve named that. I normally have 4-5 for every new version of KSP (and since the patcher works now, I\'ll probably have to delve into Discovery\'s II and III soon). I quickly realized I didn\'t near that many batteries. The extra mass I had to drag around annoyed the hell out of me. Very fun pack, and yes, Discovery I is still flying out into interstellar space. Hopefully Mersey and Kencott don\'t have to listen to Elton sing \'Rocket Man\' too often.
  13. I\'m liking the new parts, and I\'ve already begun concept design for interplanetary craft with this pack. The only thing holding me back is that the current version of KSP is very buggy/laggy for me, so whenever that\'s cleared up I\'ll take a few crafts out and see how they do. Again, love the parts (Especially the 2001 command and cargo modules!) Great work
  14. \'The spear, the bow, the gun, and finally the guided missile had given him weapons of infinite range and all but infinite power. Without those weapons, often though he had used them against himself, Man would never have conquered his world. Into them he had put his heart and soul, and for ages they had served him well. But now, as long as they existed, he was living on borrowed time.\' Oh my goodness. That pod is looking wonderful. If I could however suggest one thing, it would be to make the viewport darker. I think that would have more aesthetic.
  15. On second thought, you might be able to shave off some required fuel if you launch opposite from Kerbin\'s orbit. You wouldn\'t need so much fuel to outrun Kerbin, but you would spend a hell of a lot longer in \'interstellar\' space.
  16. My advice would be to launch synchronously with Kerbin\'s orbit. It\'s really the best, logical choice, given the limitations of Kerbal spacecraft technologies. For, if you simply speed up your craft in the same direction that Kerbin orbits Kerbol, all you\'ll have to do to get back is turn your craft around and burn until your going slightly slower than the planet. You\'ed still need a hell of a lot of delta v, but it would be better than having to transition from a small or larger orbit (Or, god forbid, an orbit on another plane. I don\'t think you could make it back from that with the current version of the game).
  17. Nice Space Station. Did this have something to do with your design? It\'s an old design by Lockheed from the 50\'s.
  18. Wow, this will be very impressive, if someone can pull it off. My suggestion: Just make one of these. That should do it. *Disclaimer: I despise Avatar* Seriously, though, I would recommend modeling your design off of this one. The Venture Star was designed by Charles Pellegrino. I\'m just an SF writer who is obsessed with making my writing as realistic as possible, but this man actually designs starships for a living. He knows what he\'s talking about. (http://www.charlespellegrino.com/cp_biography.htm)
  19. Yes please. Besides, who needs Hohmann Transfers? Another thought: If your going to make command pod variants, could you make one that is spherical? I\'ve been looking for a 2001-esque command pod for sometime, but none as of yet exist (so far as I know).
  20. So, I downloaded the pack, and had a disastrous fun romp in orbit with a Deep Space Mission ship. Meet Discovery I. It was my goal with this test flight to try to eventually break kerbin orbit. What is life without glamor shots. Test flight I was a failure. Appearently, there is a bug in the pack that breaks the next stage when you decouple the current stage (Thus, my engines kept falling off.) Not quite as adventurous as I hoped for, but that\'s ok.
  21. Looking forward to this. It\'s exciting to see that more and more \'deep space\' packs are being developed so that we can finally get out of LKO.
  22. I\'m not a parent Drak, I\'m a college student. I\'m not worried about my safety and I\'ve never been threatened with violence, so there\'s no need for you to be concerned about that. So let me state that I\'m not against the free expression of ideas and beliefs, and that you and I, Drakomis, are talking about different types of violence. (We\'ve grossly misunderstood each other). So let\'s fix this. Let me state that I\'m not against freedom of expression or of beliefs. The reason I posted is not because I felt threatened, but because I was annoyed/disturbed that a space-flight simulator\'s community would have violent tendencies. What I mean by violent tendencies is that I have to sift through pages and pages of \'battleships\' and ICBM\'s on the forum to find posts about exploration etc. That\'s a really simple way of putting it, but in a nutshell that\'s how I feel, and I wondered if anyone else felt the same way. Exercising my freedom of expression of belief, if you will. This thread really got out of hand. (Mostly because Drakomis and I misunderstood each other). I hope this will clear up the subject.
  23. Drakomis, I honestly can say I didn\'t expect my post to bring up much of a (or any) response, I don\'t mean to offend anyone or impress my opinion on anyone (I actually tried to be objective, and it looks like I failed in that thoroughly). Let me rectify: I\'m not worried about the violence (People are violent: it happens), and my point was that I curious to see if anyone else felt the same way I did. Surprisingly, a few people responded that they did, and quite soon too, which is something else I didn\'t expect. Of those examples I posted, one is from yesterday (General Discussion or KSP Development, don\'t remember which), and the other two are from the RP forum. (They were good examples of what I was talking about, and I\'m not anal/motivated enough to dig through the rest of the forum to find non-RP oriented images)). If you\'re wondering why I posted in the first place, it\'s because I was surprised to see that most of the game\'s player base have a \'violent trend\', which isn\'t what I expected from a space flight simulator. Hope that clears things up?
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