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Everything posted by Deutherius

  1. 25 Why would we bring the numbers to -100? That's silly. Better to [REDACTED] and then [REDACTED].
  2. You will need to release him first if you want him to reply Is Red Iron Crown here?
  3. Right? Winning without opposition is never going to feel satisfying 20
  4. Damn, I feel stupid, forgot about l'Hospital. I hope my calculus professor never sees this thread 31
  5. Where have you heard that? It's not gonna get more efficient than burning right at Ap.
  6. Try switching the mainsails for skippers. They won't cause such a big difference in shuttle/boosters thrust, and look so much like the real thing. Oh, and add more boosters to the boosters, or switch the entire booster assembly to a powerful LFO engine/s.
  7. Because, let's face it, the positives are an overwhelming majority. They get near 100 far more often then the negatives get near -100. Therefore, every large revert that hits will most likely hurt the positives. I can assure you that if the situation was reversed and the negatives were winning all the time, the reverts would be hurting them. 46
  8. Hey U474U, welcome to the forum If you want to embed images, use either the "Insert Image" function or add the direct link to the image inside (img)(/img) tags (just switch () for []) The url tags can be used for text, like this.
  9. Deutherius


  10. Deutherius


    No need to apologize. From what I've gathered, a token is basically a piece of metal, superclass object of coin. As in, a coin is a token, but a token does not necessarily have to be a coin. EDIT: Alright, I'll try to create a riddle some time later today EDIT2: You know what, why stall the thread. If anyone wants to take the next riddle, go ahead, with the amount of work I have to do today I probably wouldn't be able to think of anything anyway. I repeat, if you have a riddle to keep this thread going, don't hesitate to post it
  11. Unless my revert gets disqualified for whatever reason, it's 48
  12. Deutherius


    Oooooooh... "It's reflective" clever
  13. Deutherius


    Not really, I just thought it has two sides you can never really see at once, can be reflective when polished and almost never lands on the edge when flipped into the air.
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