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Everything posted by Deutherius

  1. 69 Oh yeah, I love it too huehuehuehuehue
  2. You are asking the wrong question. The right question is: "How can I eploit this?"
  3. Your results are skewed, because you are not taking into account changes in maximum thrust (thrust is now tied with Isp, so it is relevant). Yes, the LV-909 atmo Isp got nerfed, but its maximum thrust got a boost (from 50 kN to 60 kN if my memory serves well). Meanwhile, the 48-7S got a whopping 40 % maximum thrust reduction independent on Isp, it only makes sense that its Isp didn't need to be nerfed that much.
  4. And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes our evening news! Live from studio 44, this has been Deutherius and Dman979, signing off! *dun duun dun duuuun da da da dun*
  5. *slow clap* Best one hands down. And right on time, too. 45
  6. Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, there seems to be heavy interference, we cannot reach Dman at the moment. Signal strength is currently at 44 dB and going down. Excuse the technical difficulties, we should be right back.
  7. Thank you Dman. Well, if we look at team Blue's strategy, we can see they chose the classic "Double Turboramjet" approach - that is, go by the sides at full throttle until everything overheats and explodes. The Reds, however, took it a few kilometers higher and got the whole thing going really fast, so fast that Blue's had no chance of catching up - this allowed them to score the final point in the wonderful 47 : 46 game. And what a game it was! And now, we should have a live coverage of the next SpaceX launch abort test, with Dman at the microphone. How do you hear me, Dman?
  8. Get implosion. Put in penicillin.
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, we have live footage straight from the action! It's an F-5 tornado, numbers are flying everywhere, EVERYWHERE! RIGHT NOW, 46 HAS JUST FLOWN BY, NEARLY MISSING OUR CAMERA! And now with sports: our very own Dman979.
  10. I only see 3 posts with the X:52 timestamp. Endersman, me and you. Also, 46
  11. Glad you asked, Dman. The sequence goes as follows: noname117: 47 (valid) Endersman: 48 (invalid, overridden) Deutherius: 46 (overriding Endersman) Dman: 49 (invalid, continuing from overridden number) The number is therefore 46, set by me. Back to you, Dman.
  12. I find it intriguing, especially if it happens by coincidence and not tactics. But please do not edit your posts after posting. 46
  13. That would be rule #7, but yes, correct. 43
  14. Nope, that's not how it works. You cannot selectively null only one part of a number sequence and call the rest valid. Whatever gets nulled, everything after that up to the revert gets nulled as well. As per rule #6. The sequence was: Dman: 46 Fel: 44 (overriding Dman) Floppster: 42 Dharak: 43 Cheezburgar: 44 Floppster: 43 Ethan: 44 Endersman: 45 (is this the post you are refering to?) Ethan: 46 Prof. Endwalker: 47 Endersman: 48 Chillin: 47 Ethan: 48 Endersman: 49 Dman: Nulling everything from Floppster (bolded), calling the number 46 valid Ethan: continuing from 46 with 47 And then it was just rising. Well, until Fel reverted to his 44. Point is, Endersman's 45 was nulled by you even before Fel's revert, it cannot possibly be valid now. Oh, and the game goes to 42.
  15. That would be hilarious Shame nobody got over 91 this game, so not happening 42
  16. Third time already? Damn, this round is the best one so far. 40 And you know what's even better? There could be a mistake somewhere at the beginning that nobody has noticed. It's only about 145 pages if anybody wants to check.
  17. Yes, that would be correct and user C would override user B.
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