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Everything posted by Deutherius

  1. I asked OP about sniping posts like that. It's a legit tactic, even if it's cheap (and even if you admit doing it - showing that you knew about the correct post before you that you are choosing to ignore and override - rule #7 still works). Editing your posts, however, is not welcome. It might have consequences for everyone. So don't do it. (for what it's worth, I wouldn't suspect Dman from editing the number, he just usually adds something) Also, I'll add one. 0
  2. I have entered the hospital building, but not as a patient. The user below me should be working/studying instead of browsing KSP forum.
  3. It's the same thing as the MemeMoon - it's just written in the game as means of killing most players from time to time to keep the game alive. No players have the ability to unleash SANIK barrages, as far as I know.
  4. I don't mean a normal restart, I just kept orbiting from where I was killed, retaining my trajectory and score. It was just like the game changed its mind about killing me
  5. What... I got rekt by SANIK and then it placed me right back like nothing happened. This game is fun, though.
  6. Granted. The penny explodes, taking away your fingers. I wish for an explosion.
  7. I haven't noticed any decaying... But that might be because I always get shot down by someone.
  8. That is the best damn (hype)train I have ever seen.
  9. OP herself has already commented on the issue, raising no objections to the revert. I believe that makes it pretty clear You can always ask for explicit decision, though. I'd also advise you against posting multiple numbers in one post - if the post is not clear about the game progress, it can be disregarded by rule #4 (and it has been used in the past to revert back from 95 to 5 ).
  10. True (technically, anyone who has ever launched anything from the launchpad has seen one. Whether they were aware of it is a different question ) The user below me has killed a kerbal just because he could. (i.e. not an accident)
  11. False. The user below me likes broccoli.
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