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Everything posted by Coga19000

  1. Oh, I SOOOOO want this one. But this is a suggestion about a specific-shaped port, which I find is the wrong shape.
  2. I can see the safety issues with the lack of a Mk.2 Decoupler, but the docking port seems redundant. After all, the spaceplane shape is useless once your already in vacuum, and I cannot find many instances where you can reliably fly a spaceplane up to orbital velocities and still need to change its configuration for flying to other bodies' atmosphere .
  3. Well, by some quick research on the wiki, the Rockomax 24-77 is radially-attachable, costs 180 Funds less than a LV-1R (but 180 Funds more than the normal LV-1) per piece, weighs a bare 60 kilograms more, has 16 more kilonewtons of thrust, 30 more seconds of specific impulse under 1 atmosphere of pressure, 10 seconds more in the vacuum of space, and literally identical on every other aspect -and when they are unlocked at the exact same node, it's not really too much of a choice. Even the animation and sound is better -the Rockomax 24-77 looks and sounds almos like a dignified engine (more like a Sepratron, if you ask me), while the Ant looks like it's barely spraying propellant around, which does not look too sae and realistic either.
  4. Can someone inform me of the current decided -upon specifications of the sat? I simply cannot read all the posts in this thread. Also, from the basic knowledge I have on radiation, there is a slim chance that a Blackberry Pi without radiation proofing has a chance of getting fried even while it is OFF. Maybe the odds are small Emin to be ignored, though.
  5. It seems that those logs totally break my Crew Reports. Glitched data bars, NaN% on Transmission, zero science acquired. EVA Reports work fine, though. Weird...
  6. Not sure if it counts, but I do remember getting a lander to Minmus with the last stage of the lifter (non-nuclear), then also landing with it. It was a soft landing, and the lifter still had Delta-v to return to orbit, but I decoupled it anyways when it toppled over (it was not designed to be used this way) After a series of suborbital hops, the last of them broke my lander engine, so I decoupled the fuel tank and returned to Kerbin on RCS power
  7. Never landed any thimg to the Mun. Have landed a probe with some experiments ("I don't care if it's the first try, if it doesn't have science in it it doesn't fly ") on Minmus, and failed to return it due to fuel limits. I generally tend to overbuild my lander designs, cut costs on lifter designs, and still do the mission in a single launch. Mea culpa, I know, but I can't stop going for such Mission profiles.
  8. Oh. So there is no conflict from parachutes that existed on vessels before the installation, right?
  9. Very nice, but does it still include stock Chutes one way or another? I would hate to get such a good mod to find out that every single vessel I've saved "has locked or invalid parts".
  10. That is actually ingenious engineering. And quite thoughtful of you, I guess.
  11. I deployed the 'chutes in a returning vehicle with a couple Material Science experiments... And forgot to get out of time warp. RIP Mandell Kerman. Oh, and BTW, because those experiments really should have landed safely -and I'm desperate for some TAC-LS recyclers, how can I add 200 science to my savefile?
  12. You have no idea how glad I am I saw Elysium before I started playing KSP, and threfore was able to obliviously take in all of its unrealistic epicness and enjoy my 14 Euros. Had I seen it now, I would rage quit out of the theater.
  13. Installed a Life Support Module to my Orbital Research station. Phew, I got it in time. Silly me for installing TAC Life Support while I still ha dKerbals up there
  14. ...when you accidentally decouple your lander instead of igniting the lifter engines (DANG YOU STAGING), then you ignite the lander engines by frustration and start climbing... to find yourself in orbit. That's not really ovebuilding; it's called redundancy, and in real-life, it is necessary for making sure your astronauts will come home. Even though noone really cares about that in KSP (), the engine physics make this entirely possible as long as you still got a functioning parachute/engine/landing legs (preferably a combination)
  15. Well, as aforementioned, it depnds on your payload and mission type. If you have lightweight probes with enough electricity generation, have big delta- requirements, and don't mind the exorbitant cost and waiting, Ion engines are your friend (and look pretty cool) They are generally very specific on where they can be used effectively in a career file. If you have anything bigger to haul around, the LV-N will more than do the par for you, with the second highest Isp and moderate thrust; they can also take you almost anywhere the Ion an take you, but the fuel requirements willl be a tad bigger. Generally, your standard-issue for most types of payloads. Now, for a lander, the Ion engine gets almost automatically aborted fo the simple fact that it cannot provide decent deceleration for most celestial bodies' gravity; and even on the few where it does, God help you if you end up with a suborbital trajectory on the dark side of the planet. Actually, if the lander is separate from the transfer stage (the thing that will haul you from planet to planet), you don't even need to bother with all that fuel-efficiency nonsense. What you need there is a low profile (small size), good thrust, and control on your thrust levels, as you will need to burn for small intervals, on enough power to actually see a difference. That means, go with conventional engines of small size (maybe radial-atached), with still aceptable Isp and enough thrust to be confortable.
  16. I have no idea how I should react to my good amount of views and complete lack of comments. Well, I'll just go with it for now. However,do note that I would really appreciate some feedback -in such an early stage, it can only make the story as a whole better as I become beter through your advise. Anyways, here is the first episode. Some more timeline and world-developing here, from the Kerbals part this time, followed by an extremely important plot point. Well, enjoy Chapter 1: Party Crasher *** {7th of Ager, 500 of Official Kalendar} {Jebadiah Kerman's Junkyard Co., Refamnon, Auricea Shore, Kerbin} The crowd had been waiting for at least an hour in front of the large stand that had been placed the previous day in front of the Junkyard. They had been tired of waiting that long, but they did not care. They had been also waiting standing up, but they did not care about it either. All they cared about was that they were waiting for one of the greatest milestones of kerbalkind to arrive in front of them; this was a moment of national pride all over Kerbin, but of all of it, they, citizens of Refamnon, had the chance to witness it first of all of them. And not only that, but they would do so in its very origin, too. Yes, this was a privilege only few had. They were not only native citizens, in fact. A good amount of Kerbals had arrived from all over Kerbin to also have this privilege, ranging from the most widely renown historians, to the greatest engineers of their generation, to wealthy and Kerbin-widely famous and wealthy Kerbals of all types of proffessions who could afford doing the trip just for this. For the rest of the world, the event would be recorded by an array of static cameras, and a couple of recording drones flying overhead, and then relayed to all of Kerbin. Oh yeah, this was an important day for kerbalkind. Finally, the waiting paid off. In the distance, they caught the image of an sleek black helicopter flying towards them. They all held their breath as the incredibly noisy but still oh-so elegant vehicle approached them, then, after hovering for a bit, sofly descended to the soft grass around the Junkyard. From the inside appeared the President of the United Kerbin Democracy, Rindin Kerman himself, who approached the stand while followed by a giant row of clapping. Taking his position in front of the microphone, he cleared his throat and started speaking to the Kerbals in front of him -or in all of Kerbalkind for that mater, who could listen to him though their TVs. "Greeting, fair people of the UKD. As you already know, I am here -and so are you- to celebrate a day of pure national pride for all of us; the 500 years from the discovery of the Technology Essence, right here, on the grounds where, in our days, the succesful Jebadiah Kerman's Junkyard Co. is established, and on the grounds of which you're standing on right now. This piece of machinery, left here by our ancestors, is the fragment of ancient technological wisdom and ingenuity that enabled us to thrive; this is the cog that geared us foard sto a better future. This, people of Kerbin, is the reason behind our current state! Let's welcome it once more, along with the owner of the junkyard, and descendant of the very man who discovered the Essence, Jebadiah Kerman himself!" An even greater row of clapping occured as Jebadiah Kerman exited the helicopter, carrying with him a battered piece of machinery that was known all over Kerbin. It had a cylindrical body, on which were a battered bowl-shaped device with an antenna sticking from the center -which they knew now, thanks to it itself, that it was a radio dish-, a large cylinder and a crippled antenna sticking out -a thermoelectric generator and a magnetometer, as they found out-, as well as a battered and charred heat-shield at the bottom -which they could not figure out yet. No matter how many times they had seen it, and how bad its condition was, the Kerbals were never too prepared or too eager to witness this marvel of technology, this evolution matrix, let alone from up close. After Jebadiah carefully placed the device on the stand and took his position, President Rindin continued his speech. "This, Kerbalkind, is the Evolution Essence. This piece of hardware, suring all those years of researching and reverse-enginering, has given us -and still continues to do so- new knowledge of sciences and engineering. Thanks to it, we-" he was interrupted by the Kerbal pilot inside th ehelicopter coming out and approaching the President. "I'm awully sorry to interrupt your speech, Mr. President, but there is something of grave importance I have to warn you about." "What is it, Lanburr?" "The helicopter's sensors caught a heat signature at an altitude of approximately 50 kilometers." "50 kilometers? Noone's got that far up before!" "I aknowledge, Mr. President. However, this is not the important part." "Then what is it?!" "It is descending at Mach 7, Mr. President. And as it seems, it is on a collision course with the Junkyard." Before President Rindin had a chance of responding to this piece of information, everyone looked up suddenly, to see a giant fire trail come from the heavens, approaching them at alarming speeds. Even the President was too startled to evacuate the citizens. But even if it wasn't, it was unlikely that anyone would hear as every single Kerbal present, including everyone watching the event live from their televisions, was standing frozen from awe, being unable to do anything other than follow with their eyes the fiery sphere as it came even closer, to eventually collide with the roof of the Junkyard, which it effortlessly pierced.
  17. *** Proloque: Relics of Yesterday, Discoveries of Today *** {17 of June, 2638 AD} {Hermes Interstellar Radio Station, New Megara Scientific Base, Dark Side of the Moon} Deep Space Comms Expert Marshall Yuringers woke up abruptly from a sound in front of him. After some searching, he found the source to be the monitor siting at the center of his control panel, coming to life as a transmission was being relayed to him by the Lunar Base Relay in California. Damn, why was Ground Control disturbing his sleep cycle? What had happened? As the screen in front of him flickered open, he saw his wife and son on front of the Quest Comms monitor camera, a great smile at the faces of both. "Happy birthday, baby! I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep -George had warned us of your schedule -, but there was no way to convince little Jeb over here to wait for another couple hours " Marshall smiled. Yep, sounded like his son hasn't changed at all. "Anyways, the truth is that we had a hard time getting the permission to come here. Mission Control is a beehive of action those days, and if not for George, we would not be here. At least I hope things will work as planned for your project, sweetheart. Say hi to Daddy, Jeb. He can see us through the camera. " Jebadiah waved his little hands to the camera, with that level of enthusiasm only toddlers his age can execute successfully. "Happy Birthday, Daddy! Where are you coming home? Mummy and I want daddy home! " She smiled and hugged her son even more before turning towards the camera again. "He is right, you know. You've been on New Megara for way more than you'd promised us. When the station is operational, you will come here immediately, okay? " The screen went black again, as the message ended. He sighed. Yes, he had been in the Hermes Radio Station for two months longer than expected, because of technical issues that occurred, and which had also left him with a great urge to return home; but he was the best there was at his job, and there was no way they would let him be absent of this program. He also knew about the amount of activity lately; the data overflow of the last week was so intense, low- priority messages had acquired a 3-minute delay from sender to receiver. He pressed the responce button as he prepared to answer to his family. "Good morning, sweethearts. Or good evening -I can't remember the time down there. It does seem you didn't quite remember the time up here, too! Okay, seriously now, I really loved your surprise, no matter if it woke me of my schedule. You are the best. Anyways, the station should be coming to an end by today, so next week I should be home. And maybe my birthday is today, but you better keep me some cake on my return home! " Just as he unpressed the button, he got another transmission, this time from the Station Assembly Control Network, staged on the Moon. *** "This is SACN. I repeat, this is SACN. Come in, Interstellar Comms Network." Well, that caught him even more by surprise. "This is ICN, awake and reporting for duty" "Apologies for interrupting your sleep cycle, ICN. The Assembly and Hardware Test Crew have reported optimal condition on primary, secondary and tertiary systems. No flaws were revealed to any section. Connection to you should come any second. Awaiting for confirmation of systems integrity on your part, ICN." Marshall awaited for this moment for the last six months. Finally, the superluminal deep space comms capabilities this humongous radar dish would provide, with minimal interference from the Earth's influence, the uplink required for the very first tests of controlled Interstellar travel would be established. And he would be home. As he docked the Master Control Switch to on, the numerous monitors around him came to life as they did what they were designed for all this time ago for the first time ;flood him with all kinds of critical information which, by the time he left, would require a crew of 5 to operate the whole thing with no loss of information. It didn't really matter at this time, though. After a brief check, he reopened the local comms. "SACN, we have a Go on Range Tests, Cone Adjustment, Spectrum Sensitivity, Stimuli Reaction time. Maximum transmission speed at 7.84c. You may want to check for improvements on the Quantum Suspension Coolant Circuit, but otherwise, we have a Go. " "Copy your last, ICN. Mission Control has provided us with the system test objective of locating interplanetary probe Voyager 9. Coordinates are at SAO 674-368-149_004. Margin of error at 560 AUs. Execute objective when controls are checked for Go." "Roger that, SACN. Controls are Go, commencing scan. " That was a weird objective he was given. However, they did have to test the system for both Interstellar distances, one sided uplink capabilities, and low gain "blind search "capabilities, and the probe of Voyager 9,which should be working for around a millennium from then, was a perfect target. After seeing the coordinates and set the receiver the is correct position, he powered the systems to 86% and waited for exactly 10 minutes. At 10 minutes and 1 second, he got a confirmation of a partial uplink with the Voyager probe, along with some information flow from it. *** At 10 minutes and 6 seconds, an almost insane Marshall canceled the incoming message form his family abruptly. Don't worry, he thought, I'll be coming home sooner than you'd expect. But not for good. Then, he opened comms with the SACN. "SACN, this is ICN. We have connection with the Voyager 9 probe. It was found at SAO 674-374-149_006, heading for the exoplanet Galileo-574fh3648611ae in 24 days, prepping to perform natural aerocapture and follow a suborbital trajectory to the surface" "Copy that, ICN. We hear you worried, though. Is there a malfunction on the data flow? " Oh ear, was "worried" an understatement. As for malfunction, he hoped it was. "The Voyager 9 has traces of connection with Voyager 2. It has landed on the exoplanet, with its primary instruments battered but redundant systems functional. " Now the SACN was becoming nervous too. "Voyager 2? That thing should have shut down way ago! What are the reads from surface on it?" The silence that followed from the ICN changed the cold, professional tone of the SACN to one of sincere worry. " What happened, Marshall? What are the readings? What has happened down there?!" Marshall gulped once more, took some deep breaths, and finally found the strength to answer. "We are 60 probable on Code Green, Jonas. Get a reentry vehicle on the Mass Relay ASAP. I have to go back on Earth. Now. "
  18. The Enemy From The Unknown KSP Fanfic "To see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet, we have to look no further than ourselves" Stephen Hawking This is my first fanfic for KSP -and in general, if not counting some lousy short ones I've done. I usually end up scrapping my work after some chapters, either because they get not enough atention to keep me interested, or because or real-life time limitations. However, I really look forward to this story, which I will hopefully continue till last chapter. Well, the theme, you say? Well, the title may already give you sufficient information, but for now, I don't mean to spoil the surprise. But maybe the Proloque will give you a decent see -ahead of the events to come So, yeah. There is really no more to say here, other than maybe thank you for using your time to give an amateur storyteller a chance. I truly appreciate it So, let's not keep you waiting and dive in! Chapters: Proloque: Relics of the Past, Discoveries of Today Chapter 1: Party Crasher
  19. Five shells? Sounds like Bill cheated by holding down the trigger Anyways, it wasn't half bad, actually. Apart from the fact that I only like in game mechanics jokes when made in a satirical and comedic work, and barely even then, but that was some intense s*it for such a short story
  20. Oh, I get it. I'm officially an idiot. But still, thanks!
  21. I am using Windows XP 32bit. Pitiful, right? So wait, you're actually telling me that running all those mods is dependable just on OSs?
  22. Well, last time I checked, the Communotron 16 has a range of 2.5 Megameters. The signal is lost while approximately at 80 kilometers... While out of connection from the KSC... And trying to connect to a satellite at a Kerbostationary orbit... Damn, I was 300 kilometers of -range. Ignore my sheer stupidity. But still, shouldn't the cone be showing by default? (never touched the options.) What I meant is, if we ask for a Mission Control target, will it grant us connection to any station in range of the vessel, or we will need to explicitly target a specific station each time? As for the copying of the big antenna, I would like it to be differentiated. If you can briefly tell me how to scale it, and retexture it, I'll be okay.
  23. Well, I haven't used KW Rocketry since I started overtaxing my PC, and I haven't yet used MechJeb at all. The ones with asterisks are the ones I have TESTED it can play.
  24. I am currently using a , frankly, coal-powered PC, which cannot really handle that many mods for my KSP; which is basically the only thing that prevents me from beign a heavy mod user. Anyways, I am planning on buying a new PC soon, which will be kinda game-oriented. I therfore started daydreaming about all the mods I like that I will actually be able to use. However, after a while, I started listing them, and found a literally insane number. Therefore, I would like someone to inform me with which would be the hardware requirements for a computer that can handle the mods I'm about to list below. Remember, though, that I would prefer it in a reasonable price, and be actually able to do other things other than playing KSP, so if you find yourself diving into too deep numbers, don't be afraid to cut off the number of mods a bit. Overclocking can also be advised, as long as the computer is able to handle the extra heat. So, here is (overly optimistically) the full list of mods I would like in my game. The weak of heart are advised to leave the thread now. FAR MechJeb Deadly Reentry* Interstellar B9 Aerospace KW Rocketry* Kerbal Alarm Clock* Mission Controller Fine Print* Kerbal Construction Time Kerbal Universe 2: Physics (most likely the most hardware-restraining of the list) KerbinSide Kerbin Shutle Orbiter Remote Tech* TAC Life Support* MKS/OKS IXS Enterprise D.E.R.P.* Orbital Material Science* Station Science* Fuel Science* Active Memory Reduction* (I'm sure I'll need it) Extraplanetary Launchpads Vanguard Parachutes* BD Armory or Skillful Weapons and Damage Boat Parts Karbonite or Kethane SCANSat* Through the Eyes of a Kerbal* Snacks KerbQuake* RealChutes The ones with asterisks are the ones my computer can already handle, which can only mean they are not that big of a deal. As I said, if it's not possible to work all of those without leaving the reasonable limit of cost, inform me of the maximum number of them can be easily done. With a dignified FPS, of course. Thanks in advance.
  25. Nonononono, the Communotron-16s are the RECEIVERS. Judging from the wiki, all omnidirectional antennas in the cone of a deployed dish will automatically connect, without any targeting needed. The dishes are DTS-M1s.
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