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SAI Peregrinus

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Everything posted by SAI Peregrinus

  1. It counts as a docking port, so yes. Unless you have the Connected Living Spaces mod, IIRC it removes that since there's no way they should fit. At least not without a trip through a blender first, and reassembly on the other side may be difficult.
  2. A while back someone (I've forgotten who) posted a pair of images. They showed atmosphere height, low orbit boundary, and SOI (high orbit) boundary of every body in the Kerbol system. My HDD just died, and those images appear to be among the (thankfully very few) things that didn't get backed up properly. They were blue'ish gradient rectangles for each planet, easy to read. If anyone recognizes them and can provide a link I'd appreciate it, otherwise it's off to the wiki + GIMP for me...
  3. Assuming CKAN. What mods you need: Stock Bugfix Modules. The rest is personal preference. Try things out. What mods you probably want very badly but don't know it yet: Kerbal Alarm Clock, Precise Node, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Transfer Window Planner, Part Commander, Menu Stabilizer, Procedural Parts, B9 Procedural Wings, Procedural Fairings. Mods for building bases: USI Kononization systems, anything else with USI in the name. Kerbal Inventory System, Kerbal Attachment System, Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics. Mod I won't play without but you might not want: Ferram Aerospace Research. Others: Well, lots. There are tons of good mods. Try things, CKAN makes it easy to add/remove mods.
  4. I suggest B.H. Arnold's "Intuitive Concepts in Elementary Topology", especially the last chapter. But of course that builds on the previous chapters, so read the whole thing, it's not very long. It should help, once you can understand how to think about spaces (in the topological sense) it becomes pretty intuitive to think about a space not contained in any other space that still expands.
  5. IF you have contract configurator, Texture Replacer with default settings, AND another mod that has a flag in .png format, and do NOT have Active Texture Management, then this can happen (it may have been fixed in the latest versions of Contract Configurator, not certain). Possible fixes are to install Active Texture Management, or change the settings in Texture Replacer to exclude the flag directory.
  6. 5 main categories: Libraries: ModularFlightIntegrator, USI Tools, ModuleManager, and the like. Mods that do nothing on their own but provide APIs for other mods to use. Parts: Things like the entire USI catalog, Infernal Robotics, OPT, etc. Aesthetics: Chatterer, EVE, etc. UI: KAC, KER, Precise Node, etc. Gameplay: RemoteTech, FAR, USI Life support, etc. Mods can be in more than one category. USI Life Support adds parts AND changes gameplay significantly.
  7. Stock Plugins also includes a MM patch to do it, and it won't break the game if you uninstall mechJeb without uninstalling it like MechJeb Embedded will. Also MechJeb embedded doesn't work on the manned parts or the command seat. @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:NEEDS[MechJeb2]:AFTER[MechJeb2] { MODULE { name = MechJebCore } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[KerbalSeat],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:NEEDS[MechJeb2]:AFTER[MechJeb2] { MODULE { name = MechJebCore } // The rest of this removes the MechJeb parts, remove it if you want to keep them. @PART[mumech_MJ2_AR202|mumech_MJ2_Pod]:NEEDS[MechJeb2]:AFTER[MechJeb2] { @TechRequired = unassigned @category = none } Or put that in a module manager config somewhere (and be sure module manager is installed), it will add MechJeb to all command pods and probe cores, and remove the MechJeb parts.
  8. Sort of. It's still possible for it to interact very, very weakly (tiny coupling constant) or to have an indirect (exotic) decay path to something that does interact electromagnetically. And if it does interact via the weak force (there's a tiny bit of evidence for this, thus the popularity of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) then at high enough energies (above the electroweak unification) it would interact electromagnetically since the weak and electromagnetic forces merge. Unfortunately the only places you get those energies are very shortly after the hot big bang or inside the event horizons of black holes, so studying them is difficult (to massively understate the issue).
  9. Backups can save you from accidentally deleting your data. RAID can't. RAID is just a hot-spare drive that's already on, not a backup. As the acronym says, it's redundant.
  10. If you need to wipe everything and start fresh in your "basic maintenance" then you're doing it horribly, horribly wrong.
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638-Mod-Development-Links-Compilation-START-HERE That thread is stickied in Add-on Development for a reason.
  12. Sort of. It does keep your intakes fed, but the jets have thrust curves dependent on pressure so your thrust will drop off even though the engine hasn't flamed out. So having an extra intake or two can give you a bit of margin to help prevent asymmetrical flameouts from sending you into a flat spin, though the Intake Build Aid mod is a better solution.
  13. Since it's probably a Contract Configurator contract you can press Alt+F10 to bring up Contract Configurator's debug window and try to use that to see which contract pack added the contract in question. Then report the bug in the contract pack's thread.
  14. 99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code, Take one out, compile again, 100 little bugs in the code. Repeat until you hit omega bugs in the code.
  15. It's memory. Not your physical/computer memory, but the game used 4GB (>4096MB) of your RAM which WILL crash it on Windows. The only solution is to go to Linux 64-bit. There's a 64-bit workaround for Windows, but it tends to be very unstable for most people, and no one will give you any help on the forums if you use it (because of that).
  16. Indeed. We even have good reason to suspect that the Standard Model is incomplete: it can't yet account for gravity. But there's a lot of evidence for gravity, and some promising extensions to SM to let it do so. Dark matter shouldn't be much of a problem. Dark energy is more of an issue, and probably won't be solved until gravity is accounted for. There's a lot of evidence that Dark Matter doesn't interact electromagnetically. The EMDrive is an electromagnetic system, it generates microwaves (EM radiation) in a cavity. Therefore it is highly unlikely it can be interacting with dark matter; there's simply too much evidence that microwaves and dark matter don't interact for the inconclusive results seen so far to overthrow that.
  17. As far as we know, all (quantized) fields have corresponding particles, and all particles have corresponding fields. So if there's a dark matter field then at some energy there's a dark matter particle. It's not an either-or proposition, particles are just properties of particular wavefunctions on fields. As for testing it in space, why? It's cheaper to test things on the ground, and you can get MUCH more detailed data by testing in a lab than by slapping one on a satellite. Once we've exhausted the abilities of lab testing, THEN it's time to test in space (if an effect is still present and unexplained). Not before.
  18. Step 1: Screw screenshots for explaining anything with this crappy forum BBCODE (swearing here). For a single screenshot: Now I rage because I hit "preview post" and the edit box has the FREAKING SCREENSHOT INSTEAD OF THE CODE. What the ever loving profanity was going through the minds of the authors when they wrote this steaming pile of putrescence?! And in the forum comment box when pasted that looks like: [​img]http://i.imgur.com/ZCIyZHp.png[​/img] To be able to type [​img] without it converting to an image and screwing everything up I used a zero-width space character just after the opening bracket. Because BBCODE is utter crap and has no escape sequence. For albums you have just stick the album's URL code (the special characters at the end) in [​imgur] tags, eg: [​imgur]bMAQp[​/imgur] for the album at https://imgur.com/a/bMAQp
  19. Just to be clear, the observed distributions of Dark Mater are nonhomogeneous (it causes significant gravitational lensing, which wouldn't happen at all if it were homogeneous) which makes it inconsistent with the idea of a massive aether. And we already know that it can't interact significantly with microwaves, since if it did so it would be far more visible than just seeing its gravitational effects.
  20. Old bug. Basically it seems like the game screws up the calculations of where your plane is and thinks it collided with a structure or other vessel. If you're lucky the plane survives. IIRC it's related to the kraken's bane changing the coordinate reference, and became a lot more noticeable once the KSC buildings became destructible. Before that (0.23 & such) it would only happen if you were flying near another craft (say, a rocket on the pad while landing a spaceplane).
  21. Agreed. It's not really "Kraken" type bugs, just the little annoyances that ruin your day.
  22. Avoiding overengineering. I have a contract to take a temperature reading from Duna's surface. I decide to send some extra instruments, because that will surely save effort by sending one probe instead of 10, right? But some need a scientist to reset them, which requires a capsule (and in my case life support). And Ike's right there, it would be a shame not to grind it out for science too while I'm around. And an MPL would really help to maximize those science rewards... And... Very quickly a temperature reading (tiny probe, nothing complicated) has turned into a full-blown multi-ship colony convoy mission and a fully self-sustaining MKS+OKS setup, EPL manufacturing, etc. On the upside I can build rockets in orbit of Duna now. Though that syndrome has come on more recently. I've sent tiny probes everywhere in previous versions, now it's time to colonize all the things!
  23. Kerbin is a tiny Dyson shell around a neutron star. You can see this if you crash in fast enough, the camera goes through the thin "skin" and you get a glowing white dot at the middle. Kerbal society exists on the inside surface, and the KSC was created when they broke out and wanted to explore the rest of the system. The entities that left the various anomalies may have been the ancestors of Kerbalkind, or possibly some sort of aliens. Kerbals don't remember how they got on the inside of the sphere, or who constructed it. They explore space partly in search of an answer to that question: Who built Kerbin?
  24. Learn (at least) 3: C++/C#/Java for an Object Oriented language, C for a procedural language (but more to understand memory management), F#/Haskell for a functional language. Learning ASM for some microcontroller is a good idea as well, the Atmel AVR instruction set is that used for the Arudino. OO languages are popular, and generally pretty good. They solve lots of practical problems. C is important to understand memory management. That's VERY important for good design (especially security), even when you've got a garbage collected language. It's also good to know because just about everything can call C and be called by C, so if you want to write programs that use different languages you'll use C as a shim. Assembly fits in here as well, for just about the same reasons. It's also useful to know for debugging and optimization, and if you're doing things with microcontrollers it's much more useful. Functional languages (especially Haskell) are good for understanding the theory of computing. So if you want to learn computer science, learn one of them. Rust/Scala/Erlang and other multi-paradigm languages are nice, but it's better to stick to a single core idea (OO, Procedural, Functional, etc) at a time when first learning.
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