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Jim Meillente

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Everything posted by Jim Meillente

  1. Hello, (KSP v1.1.2) SMURFF v1.4 is throwing three errors when the newest Near Future Construction v0.6.2 is installed, I have found the offending error(s) in my log: [LOG 01:11:58.314] [ModuleManager] Applying node SMURFF/SMURFF/@B9_TANK_TYPE[LH2OCryo]:FOR[zzz_SMURFF] to NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionFuelTankTypes/LH2OCryo [LOG 01:11:58.316] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key lh2mass = #$@B9_TANK_TYPE[LH2]/tankMass$ [LOG 01:11:58.317] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key lh2mass = #$@B9_TANK_TYPE[LH2]/RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/unitsPerVolume$ [LOG 01:11:58.322] [ModuleManager] Cannot find key lh2mass in B9_TANK_TYPE [LOG 01:11:58.323] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key tankMass = #$lh2mass$ I hope this helps, thank you for this wonderful mod! JIm Meillente
  2. @ShotgunNinja Is there anyway to increase the size & font of the info window(s)? If not would you consider adding an option to do so? The text is extremely tiny and hard to read when viewed on a 1440p monitor (I shudder what it looks like on a 4k monitor). That really is my only complaint, this is a well thought out mod and I look forward to it's future, good job !
  3. [quote name='stevehead'][B]Version 1.2.0 Released - 64K Support! [/B]- Generic config added that supports 64K and should support most other stock-like solar systems by default. - For OPM users, Urlum's inner moons now aligned with rings like Sarnus's inner moons and fixes for science altitude errors and rings. [URL="https://github.com/SteveheadSpaceAgency/HarderSolarSystem/releases/tag/v1.2.0"]Link to Release[/URL] [I]The generic config has not been CKAN indexed yet. Will do a pull request for them this evening.[/I][/QUOTE] Thank You.
  4. I'd like to thank you for this wonderful mod and look forward to the next release that includes a 64k config!
  5. Hello, I updated to the newest version of Editor Extension v2.3 and I am now experiencing massive FPS drops (down to 20ish) while in the VAB / SPH. The debug menu is not showing any errors but removing editor extensions v2.3 restores my FPS back to around 80ish. I had the previous version installed v2.2? and had no such issues. I wish I could help you resolve this problem but again there is nothing showing up as an error, just the very obvious FPS drop. Thank You
  6. Hello, Thank you stupid_chris for keeping this MOD updated, your hard work is appreciated.
  7. Hello, Thank you for the speedy update! I use this MOD in all my saves.
  8. Hello, Thank you stupid_chris for keeping this mod updated, your hard work is appreciated!
  9. Hello, I would just like to say I already miss not having the features of this MOD in 0.90! I hope you continue development and look forward to any future updates! Thank You
  10. Hello, You install TechManager and use the Community Tech Tree, my config should be placed inside the Interstellar folder as per the instructions contained within. It organizes the parts so they are placed in nodes that are in the CTT, I hope this clears things up!
  11. Hello, I made a CTT config for Interstellar Lite and wanted to share it with everyone, you can download it here. While there is some overlap this is not a carbon copy of Serion's Unofficial KSPI for CTT. I placed parts where I felt they should be, feel free to make changes to suit your needs. Enjoy! *the config file contains instructions, please follow them or it won't work! I failed to mention in the config but it should be obvious, do not install treeloader that comes with KSPI Lite. **feedback is welcome and appreciated!
  12. Hello, I'd like to thank everyone involved in the development of the Community Tech Tree! I made a CTT config for Interstellar Lite and wanted to share it with everyone, you can download it here. While there is some overlap this is not a carbon copy of Serion's Unofficial KSPI for CTT. I placed parts where I felt they should be, feel free to make changes to suit your needs. Enjoy! *the config file contains instructions, please follow them or it won't work! I failed to mention in the config but it should be obvious, do not install treeloader that comes with KSPI Lite. **feedback is welcome and appreciated!
  13. @tmbomber You should consider using TechManager which would allow you to do away with all those tech tree mm config changes (I believe Atrius thought my config was what you posted). TechManager has a 'unofficial' tech tree for KSPi which adds the nodes required and places the parts where they should be.
  14. Hello, My mm config fixes size and node issues of parts in KSPI, it doesn't touch the tech tree in any way.
  15. Hello, The scale I chose for kspimagneticnozzle3 was set to 2.5,2.1,2.5 so it would correctly appear in game as a 3.75m part as per it's description. The numbers you see in a config file are not direct representations of the 'size' you see while in-game. I expect parts that claim to be x size to actually be that size, I'm not sure if the original sizes in-game were intentional or not, it just bugged me that they didn't fit per their own descriptions.
  16. Hello, I use the Community Tech Tree and enjoy it, you might want to give it a try!
  17. Hello, I have updated my mm config posted previously to include fixes for the cryostat price issue(s). Simply create a .cfg and copy the content of my previous post (name the file whatever you like) and place it inside your /GamData/WarpPlugin folder. (Be sure to have Module Manager installed as well). Enjoy!
  18. Hello, @Jarardo1 The config I posted fixes various price, scaling, and node issues of certain parts so they're now the size they should be and mate properly with other parts without a space in-between. I scaled the antimatter collector part up to the 3.75m as well, it seemed too small for it's mass (4 tons) and it's function as a collector. Feel free to omit that change if you prefer the original size. *I'm no mm config guru but I know enough to be dangerous. If anybody needs a config for something feel free to ask, I'll do what I can.
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