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Everything posted by Rocketscienist

  1. I didn´t make me Facebook because I dont like it > >
  2. I´ve playing 14.4 a long time and i see much Names which are generated! Here you can show/name the coolest ones! My one is Chuck!
  3. Yeah! 0.15 will be a small step for mankind, but a big step for all Modmakers!! (Apollo11 )
  4. It´s really great!! 8) 8) ;D ;D I like things from ESA!
  5. You could add a little cart onto it to bring it away from the launchpad!
  6. EVA = Extra Vihicular Activiti (so ungefär) Außeneinsatz
  7. It looks good. You´re right, wait until 0.15 is out!!
  8. Voll fürn Hintern!! Aber programmieren braucht halt seine Zeit!!
  9. Ich meine alle. Geh auf http://marioarnold.npage.de/
  10. Hello NovaSilisko, I like youre Parts really good. You make a re-entry plugin and I want to ask how long you need to make it ready for the first release? Greetings, Rocketscienist
  11. Wenn 0.15 raus kommt wird sich das mit den Modas aber ein bisschen ändern!! Muss ich mal sehen ob ich meine Teile anpasse oder untergehen lasse?
  12. You are right ;D ;D. When the features are in there, it come nearer to the reality!!
  13. The modulename from MuMech is MuMechVariableTank not FuelTank! But the other MuMech parts work with your plugin that´s cool. One Feature for the future: Animated panels like multijoint framework+MuMechtoggleable
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